Featured Giving Opportunities
Established with alumni donations for a Chair in Smith Engineering with the goal of making Queen's a leader in Canada in the education and promotion of female scholars in engi ... (Learn More)
Support of the Dean's Excellence Fund allows the Dean of Smith Engineering to allocate resources to innovative initiatives, academic awards and various student teams. (Learn More)
The Ingenuity Labs Research Institute is an interdisciplinary initiative at Queen’s University focused on combining Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Human Machine ... (Learn More)
The Engineering Career Accelerator Program (ECAP) integrates career development training, industry insights, and hands-on experiential learning into a student's degree program ... (Learn More)
Support of the QYEA fund will support Smith Engineering and will provide resources to innovative programs and activities. (Learn More)
Indigenous Futures in Engineering inspires Indigenous youth to develop an interest in math and science, promotes engineering at the post-secondary level, and helps students su ... (Learn More)
Funding will be used to launch and develop governance, policies, and programming that promotes equity, diversity, inclusion and indigenization (EDII) in Smith Engineering. (Learn More)
Your gift to the Dean's Bursary - Smith Engineering helps eradicate financial barriers that stand between promising students and a life-altering Smith Engineering education. (Learn More)
Funding will be used to launch and develop governance, policies, and programming that promotes equity, diversity, inclusion and indigenization (EDII) in Smith Engineering. (Learn More)
This fund will support competitive design teams, outreach programs, conferences, clubs and student-led campus businesses, providing invaluable teamwork and leadership project ... (Learn More)
The Science '59 Admission Award is awarded on the basis of financial need and academic excellence to a student entering their first year in Smith Engineering. (Learn More)
The Science 1948 1/2 Mature Student Entrance Bursary is awarded by the Dean of Smith Engineering on the basis of financial need to a mature student entering first year in the ... (Learn More)
Science 57 Key Bursary is awarded on the basis of financial need to students in any year or program of studies in Smith Engineering. (Learn More)
The Science 68 Entrance Bursary is awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need, academic excellence, creative and original thinking, proven leadership skills, and invo ... (Learn More)
The Science 2001 Student Initiatives Fund was established to provide the Dean with discretionary support for various present and future needs as related to student activities. (Learn More)
Science 1958 Fund was established by the class of Science 1958 to support a wide variety of activities that contribute to the enrichment of the Smith Engineering learning envi ... (Learn More)
Support of the Dean's Excellence Fund allows the Dean to allocate resources to innovative initiatives, academic awards and various student teams, activities and programs. (Learn More)
Science 57 Key Bursary is awarded on the basis of financial need to students in any year or program of studies in Smith Engineering. (Learn More)
The Science '70 Student Initiatives fund provides the Dean with discretionary support for extra-curricular opportunities for Smith Engineering undergraduate students. (Learn More)
Science '61 Entrance Bursary was established by the Class of Science 1961 and awarded on the basis of financial need to a student entering the first-year program in the Smith ... (Learn More)
Science 1962 Student Initiative Endowment Fund - Established to provide the Dean of Smith Engineering with discretionary funds to support student initiative groups. (Learn More)
Support of the Dean's Excellence Fund allows the Dean to allocate resources to innovative initiatives, academic awards and various student teams, activities and programs. (Learn More)
Support of the Dean's Excellence Fund allows the Dean to allocate resources to innovative initiatives, academic awards and various student teams, activities and programs. (Learn More)
The Science 1948 1/2 Mature Student Entrance Bursary is awarded by the Dean of Smith Engineering on the basis of financial need to a mature student entering first year in the ... (Learn More)
The Science 1967 Endowment Fund provides discretionary funding to the Dean of Smith Engineering to enrich the learning environment for undergraduate engineering students. (Learn More)
The Science 68 Entrance Bursary is awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need, academic excellence, creative and original thinking, proven leadership skills, and invo ... (Learn More)
The Science 1966 Bursary is awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to undergraduate students in any year of Smith Engineering at Queen's. (Learn More)
The Science 1965 Entrance Award is awarded on the basis of financial need and academic achievement to students entering the first year program in Smith Engineering. (Learn More)
Support of the Dean's Excellence Fund allows the Dean to allocate resources to innovative initiatives, academic awards and various student teams, activities and programs. (Learn More)
Support of the Dean's Excellence Fund allows the Dean to allocate resources to innovative initiatives, academic awards and various student teams, activities and programs. (Learn More)
Science 1963 Bursary - Established by the class of Science 1963, and awarded on the basis of financial need to students in second year of any engineering program in the Smith ... (Learn More)
Support of the Dean's Excellence Fund allows the Dean to allocate resources to innovative initiatives, academic awards and various student teams, activities and programs. (Learn More)
Sci'08 has chosen to focus their class giving on the Tech N Tinker (TNT) Trailer. (Learn More)
Support of the Dean's Excellence Fund allows the Dean to allocate resources to innovative initiatives, academic awards and various student teams, activities and programs. (Learn More)
We are launching a 45th Reunion Class Gift campaign, to raise $500,000 over the next 5 years towards Smith Engineering Inspiring Greatness Campaign Initiatives. (Learn More)
Please consider making a contribution to support our fund. (Learn More)
The Science '73 Student Initiatives Fund provides the Dean of Smith Engineering with discretionary support for various present and future needs related to student activities. (Learn More)
Science '50 Entrance Bursary was established by the class of Science 1950 and awarded on the basis of financial need to a student entering the first-year program in Smith Engi ... (Learn More)
Please support the Science 1991 Admission Award to support an incoming student to Smith Engineering. (Learn More)
Support of the Dean's Excellence Fund allows the Dean to allocate resources to innovative initiatives, academic awards and various student teams, activities and programs. (Learn More)
Science '51 Entrance Bursary was established by the Class of Science 1951 and awarded on the basis of financial need to a student entering the first-year program in Smith Engi ... (Learn More)
Established in May 1993 by the graduating class of Science 1993 to be used for the purchase of library equipment for Smith Engineering. (Learn More)
Support of the Dean's Excellence Fund allows the Dean to allocate resources to innovative initiatives, academic awards and various student teams, activities and programs. (Learn More)
The Science '95 Bursary in Applied Science was established by the Class of Science '95 and awarded on the basis of financial need to two students in their second, third or fou ... (Learn More)
The Science '96 Fund was established by Science 1996 to provide support for the purchase of digital information resources for Smith Engineering. (Learn More)
The Science 1955 Faculty Fund was established by the Class of Science 1955 to provide the Dean of Smith Engineering discretionary funding. (Learn More)
The Applied Science 1997 Bursary was established by the Class of Science 1997 as their graduating gift to Smith Engineering at Queen's University. (Learn More)
Science '56 Entrance Bursary in Applied Science was established by the class of Science '56 and awarded on the basis of financial need to a student entering the first-year pro ... (Learn More)
Sc'87 supports Aboriginal Access to Engineering, David J. Turkce Building Partnerships Fund in Civil Engineering, and David W. Bacon Distinguished Speaker Series. (Learn More)
The Robert Hall Memorial Award was founded by the class of Science '86 and the Queen's Mining Club in memory of Robert Hall, a member of Science '86. (Learn More)
Support of the Dean's Excellence Fund allows the Dean to allocate resources to innovative initiatives, academic awards and various student teams, activities and programs. (Learn More)
The Science 1945 Memorial Bursary Awarded to a student in any year of Smith Engineering on the basis of satisfactory academic performance and financial need. (Learn More)
The class of Science '46 supports the Science 1946 Memorial Entrance Award in Applied Science and the Science 1946 Memorial Bursary. (Learn More)
Support of the Dean's Excellence Fund allows the Dean to allocate resources to innovative initiatives, academic awards and various student teams, activities and programs. (Learn More)
The Science '47 Entrance Bursary is awarded on the basis of financial need to a student entering the first-year program in Smith Engineering. (Learn More)
The Science '77 Entrance Bursary in Applied Science is awarded on the basis of financial need to student entering the first year program in Smith Engineering. (Learn More)
Support of the Dean's Excellence Fund allows the Dean to allocate resources to innovative initiatives, academic awards and various student teams, activities and programs. (Learn More)
The Science '48 S. N. Graham Award is awarded on the completion of the second year to a student with outstanding performance in extra-curricular activities on campus. (Learn More)
The goal for our 40th Reunion in 2022 is to increase the aggregate donations to our two-class funds to $820,000. (Learn More)
The Mark Latham Memorial Award was established by family and friends in memory of Mark Latham (Sc'83). (Learn More)
The Science '44 40th Year Entrance Bursary in Applied Science is awarded on the basis of financial need to a student entering the first year program in Smith Engineering. (Learn More)
Support of the Dean's Excellence Fund allows the Dean to allocate resources to innovative initiatives, academic awards and various student teams, activities and programs. (Learn More)
The Science 1998 ThankQ Fund was established by members of the Class of Science 1998 to provide the Dean with discretionary financial support for equipment needs in the Facult ... (Learn More)
Established by Class of Science 1984. Awarded on the basis of need and academic achievement to students entering first year of a Bachelor of Applied Science program in Smith E ... (Learn More)
Support of the Dean's Excellence Fund allows the Dean to allocate resources to innovative initiatives, academic awards and various student teams, activities and programs. (Learn More)
The Dean's Excellence Fund allows the Dean to allocate resources to innovative initiatives, academic awards and various student teams, activities and programs. (Learn More)
Support of the Dean's Excellence Fund allows the Dean to allocate resources to innovative initiatives, academic awards and various student teams, activities and programs. (Learn More)
Support of the Dean's Excellence Fund allows the Dean to allocate resources to innovative initiatives, academic awards and various student teams, activities and programs. (Learn More)
The Science '59 Admission Award is awarded on the basis of financial need and academic excellence to a student entering their first year in Smith Engineering. (Learn More)
The Dean's Excellence Fund allows the Dean to allocate resources to innovative initiatives, academic awards and various student teams, activities and programs. (Learn More)
The Applied Science 2009 Student Fund was established to improve the quality of student life space in Smith Engineering. (Learn More)
Science '52 Endowment Fund was established by the Class of Science 1952 to provide the Dean of Smith Engineering with discretionary funds. (Learn More)
Support of the Dean's Excellence Fund allows the Dean to allocate resources to innovative initiatives, academic awards and various student teams, activities and programs. (Learn More)
Celebrating 50 years in support of the Smith Engineering. (Learn More)
Our class has established the Science '89 Bursary, which is awarded based on financial need to an upper-year student in Smith Engineering. (Learn More)
In honour of their 5th reunion, Science 17 working towards establishing an award in memory of Grant Mitchell, BSc 2017. (Learn More)
The Science '54 Bursary was established in appreciation of the effort of class member Fred Siemonsen and his late wife, Mary Lou Siemonsen. Awarded to a student on the basis o ... (Learn More)
Your gift supports the Science '88 is Great Campaign. Our goal is to raise $1,000,000 between now and our 30th Reunion in October 2018. (Learn More)
The Science '64 Equipment Fund was established by the class of Science 1964 to provide discretionary financial support for equipment needs. (Learn More)
The Science '79 Forever Fund provides funding to enable undergraduate students to participate in competitions, conferences and projects, and supports activities of the Smith E ... (Learn More)
The Science '74 Leadership Traditions Fund provides discretionary funding to the Dean of Engineering to support and encourage the tradition of student leadership through stud ... (Learn More)
The Science '94 Legacy Fund provides the Dean of Smith Engineering discretionary financial support for various present and future needs. (Learn More)
In recognition of our 20th year reunion we would like to propose that we join thousands of alumni before us in giving back to our alma mater. (Learn More)
The Civil Department has a number of different initiatives that rely on the support of our loyal alumni. (Learn More)
Queen's Chemical Engineering continues to be an exciting place to learn, with challenging and innovative undergraduate programs in Chemical Engineering and Engineering Chemist ... (Learn More)
Through the continued tradition of generous support from our ECE alumni community, we can continue to ignite learning opportunities for some of the brightest students in the c ... (Learn More)
Queen's Mining has seen unprecedented growth over the last few years. Improving the quality of the program, while keeping the close-knit environment the Department is known fo ... (Learn More)
The Queen's Baja SAE Design Team is a group of dedicated engineering students who work together to build a small off-road vehicle. (Learn More)
The Queen's University Formula SAE Design and Race Team was founded in 1993 and designs, builds, and competes with a new vehicle each year. (Learn More)
The Queen's Solar Design Team is building a fully autonomous, net-zero energy home here on Queen’s west campus -- and we need your help. (Learn More)
QMAST is a student design team that designs and builds autonomous sailboats. (Learn More)
QPID is a student-run organization that runs initiatives on campus, in Kingston, in Canada and internationally. (Learn More)
Concrete Toboggan is a student design team that builds and races a concrete toboggan. (Learn More)
The Queen's Concrete Canoe Team (QCCT) is a completely student-run, competitive design team that competes nationally. (Learn More)
The Queen's Space Engineering Team is a design team focusing on projects relating to the space industry. They are currently designing and building a Mars rover prototype for i ... (Learn More)
Giving Opportunities Funds