Give to Queen's
Science '87
the Indigenous Futures in Engineering
the David J. Turcke Building Partnerships Fund in Civil Engineering
the Science 1987 Award
Established by the Class of Science 1987. Awarded based on financial need and participation in extracurriculars to students in a Bachelor of Applied Science program. Preference will be given to women.
the David W. Bacon Distinguished Speaker Series
Established to support the costs associated with bringing eminent academics or leaders from the spheres of research and practice in Chemical Engineering in Smith Engineering to Queen's University campus.
Science '46
Science 46 Memorial Entrance Award in Applied Science
Established by the Class of Science 1946 and awarded on the basis of financial need and academic achievement to a student entering the first-year program in the Faculty of Applied Science.
Science 1946 Memorial Scholarships
Established by the Class of Science '46. Awarded to a student on the basis of academic excellence entering the first year program in the Faculty of Applied Science, and to a student entering second or third year in the Faculty of Applied Science.
Science '05
the Smith Engineering Dean's Excellence Fund
the Chair for Women in Engineering
Established with alumni donations for a Chair in Smith Engineering with the goal of making Smith Engineering a leader in Canada in the education and promotion of female scholars in engineering.
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