the David Farrell Law '64 Award
Established by the class of Law '64 in memory of David Farrell. Awarded to a second or third year law student, on the basis of overall scholarship, financial need and contribution to the Faculty, the University and the wider community. |
the Law 1965 Award
Established by the Class of Law 1965 for students registered in first year in the J.D. program or combined J.D. degree program in the Faculty of Law on the basis of academic achievement and participation in extracurricular activities. |
the Professor H.R.S. Ryan Scholarship
Established by the 1968 graduating class to honour Professor Ryan of the Faculty of Law. Awarded to upper year students in the J.D. program or a combined J.D. program in the Faculty of Law, for performance in the subject of Evidence. |
the Dean Bill Flanagan International Studies Award
Established in honour of Bill Flanagan. Awarded to students in the Faculty of Law who have been selected to attend one of the Global Law Programs at the Bader College and/or who are participating in an international internship. |
the Queen's Law School Fund
Established by Law Alumni and Friends to provide the Dean of the Faculty of Law with discretionary support for various present and future needs as related to student activities and to meet the areas of greatest need. |
the Experiential Learning Fund
The Experiential Learning Fund was established to support the functions and operations of the clinical program offerings and moot programs at Queen's Law. |
the Law 1972 Award
Established by the Class of Law 1972 in honour of their 50th reunion in 2022. Awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need and academic achievement to students in any year of a J.D. program or combined J.D. program in the Faculty of Law. |
the Stuart Delisle Criminal Law Fund
Established in honour of Don Stuart and in memory of Ronald Delisle, BSc'59, LLB'64, to support the Faculty's criminal law programs including teaching and lecturing, course development, student support, and other educational purposes. |
the Law 1977 Memorial Award
Established by the Class of Law 1977 in memory of classmates. Awarded on the basis of financial need, academic achievement, and involvement in extra-curricular activities to students in any year of a JD program/combined JD program in the Faculty of Law. |
the Law '80 Visiting Lecturer Fund
Established by the Class of Law '80 to support bringing speakers with an emphasis on business and/or international business areas of expertise to the Faculty of Law campus.Income is to cover expenses, honoraria and/or speaking fees related to the lecture. |
the Queen's University Law '81 Clinical Programs Fund
Established by the Class of Law '81 to enhance programs and support special projects for Clinical programs at Queen's Faculty of Law, for example, Queen's Legal Aid and the Correctional Law Project, and the Elder Law Clinic. |
the Law Building Renovations Fund
Regular upgrades to the Law Building's facilities and to our state-of-the-art teaching and learning resources enhance the student experience and help us provide the best possible education for the next generation of legal professionals. |
the Eric Swan Memorial Scholarship
Established by the Class of Law 1994, friends and family, in memory of Eric Swan, LLB'94. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence and contribution to the Queen's Law Community to students in their final year of a J.D. program in the Faculty of Law. |
the Queen's Law Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Indigenization (EDII) Fund
Your gift will be used to launch and develop governance, policies, and programming that promote equity, diversity, inclusion and indigenization (EDII) at Queen's Law. Should funding minimum not be reached, gifts will be redirected to the Law School Fund. |
the Faculty of Law Bursary
Established in May 2001 from donations and awarded to a student in the Faculty of Law on the basis of financial need. (Restricted to Ontario students only) |
the Mary Alice Murray Memorial Bursary
Established by friends, associates and Queen's Law School alumni, to honour Miss Mary Alice Murray (Law '60). Awarded on the basis of financial need to J.D. students. |
the Fred Delaney's Last Pro Bono Award
Established in memory of Fred Delaney, BCom 1972, Law 1975. Awarded to students entering first year of the Bachelor of Commerce program in the Smith School of Business, or the J.D. program or the combined J.D. degree program in the Faculty of Law. |
the Law 1985 Award
Established by the Class of Law 1985 and awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need and demonstrated participation in Queen's Law Clinics to students in any year of the J.D. program or combined J.D. degree program in the Faculty of Law. |
the Vic Freidin, Law'71 Memorial Award
To establish the "Vic Freidin, Law'71 Memorial Award" endowment to support students in the J.D. or joint J.D. programs who demonstrate an interest in advocacy. Should the $50K not be raised, an expendable award would be established. |
the Law '76 Bursary
Established by the class of Law '76 and awarded on the basis of financial need to a student in any year of the Faculty of Law who is a resident of Ontario. |
the Douglas Traill Memorial Bursary
Established by the class of Law'76 in memory of the late Douglas Melvin Traill, BA'73 (UBC), LLB'76, awarded on the basis of financial need. |
the Law 1966 Scholarship in Contract Law
Established by the Class of Law 1966 and awarded on the basis of academic excellence in Contract Law to students in the Faculty of Law. |
the Res Ipsa Loquitur Bursary
Established bu Prof. Jim MacIntyre to honour the remembrance of the Res Ipsa Loquitur Boarding House. Awarded on the basis of financial need to students in any year in the Faculty of Law. |
the Law 1991 Bursary
Established the Class of Law 1991 and awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to students in any year of a J.D. degree program or a combined J.D. degree program in the Faculty of Law. |
the Dennis Cole Memorial Bursary
Established in memory of Dennis Cole, B.A. 1959, LL.B. 1962, and awarded on the basis of financial need to a student in the first year of the Juris Doctor program. |
the Law '97 Bursary
Established by the class of Law 1997. Awarded on the basis of financial need to students in any year of the Faculty of Law who demonstrate participation in extra-curricular activities. |
the Charles Feldman Student Summer Internship
Established by Dr. Brian Feldman and The Honourable Kathryn Feldman in memory of their son Charles Feldman, LLB 2007, to support hiring a summer student to work for the Correctional Law Project in the Faculty of Law. |
the Michelle McKelvey Award in Family Law
An award to be established in memory of Michelle McKelvey, LLB 2007, to support students studying family law. |
the Queen's Faculty of Law Bursary
Established by alumni and friends of Queen's Faculty of Law. Awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to students in any year of a J.D. or combined J.D. program in Queen's Faculty of Law. |
the Law 1967 Bursary
Established by the Class of Law 1967 and awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to students in any year of the J.D. program or combined J.D. program in the Faculty of Law. |
the Law 1986 Bursary
Established by the Class of Law 1986 and awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to students in any year of a J.D. degree program or a combined J.D. degree program in the Faculty of Law. |
the Law 1982 Bursary
Awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to students in any year of a J.D. degree program or combined J.D. degree program in Queen's Faculty of Law. Preference will be given to Indigenous students. |
the Professor Arthur Cockfield Memorial Award in Law
Established in memory of Professor Arthur Cockfield, LLB 1993. Awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need and academic achievement to students in any year of a J.D. or combined J.D. degree program in the Faculty of Law. |
the Law 1989 - Halldor K. Bjarnason Bursary
Awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to students in any year of a J.D. degree program or a combined J.D. degree program. Preference will be granted in priority order to: (1) students with disabilities; (2) students who are single parents. |