
Reunion: We are celebrating our 45th anniversary at Homecoming Weekend, October 17-19, 2025.
Our class gift fund initiative began following our 25th reunion in 2005. Thanks to your generous support, we are pleased to share that as of April 30, 2024, the fund’s closing balance is $344,186.55, with $57,896 disbursed to support distinguished speakers and meaningful learning opportunities at the law school.
We look forward to welcoming back our classmates to Queen’s this coming fall. There is much to celebrate and many memories to share. Class events are being planned for Friday (including a cocktail get-together) and Saturday (including dinner at the Donald Gordon Centre). Please remember to book your room at the Donald Gordon Centre as soon as possible.
Law '80 Committee:
Gregory A. Piasetzki
George Frank
Lynn Frank
Colin Jackson
Pam Taylor
Steve Trumper
Justice Michael Emery
Dawn Jetten