the Kenneth Russell Endowed Lecture Series
Established in honour of Professor Kenneth Russell to support the costs associated with bringing eminent academics or chemists to Queen's University. Funds will cover expenses related to the lecture/event, honoraria and/or speaking fees. |
the Chemistry Gift Trust Fund
This expendable fund is used at the discretion of the Head of the Chemistry Department to enhance academic programs and/or research infrastructure. |
the Arts and Science Dean's Student Initiatives Fund
Established to provide modest grants for undergraduates in the Faculty of Arts and Science to enable them to participate in projects that will provide educational opportunities outside the classroom. |
the Queen's University Biology Department Endowment Fund
Established to create a legacy endowment; the income from the endowment provides discretionary funds for the Head, Department of Biology, to support new initiatives and build on existing teaching and research strengths. |
the Queen's University Biological Station Endowment Fund
At the discretion of the Director of the Queen's University Biological Station (QUBS) proceeds from this fund will be used to support QUBS student programming, research, and station operation. |
the Queen's University Biological Station Land Trust
Gifts to this fund are used for land acquisition and stewardship for the Queen's University Biological Station |
the QUBS Community Outreach Fund
Gifts to this fund will be used to support environmental education initiatives, community outreach projects and to maintain programming and facilities at the Elbow Lake Environmental Education Centre and the Queen's University Biological Station. |
the Chemistry Teaching and Research Equipment Fund
Established to provide access to state-of-the-art research and teaching instrumentation in the Department of Chemistry. |
the Chemistry Undergraduate Gift Fund
Established to support research by undergraduate students in Chemistry. Funds will provide opportunities for undergraduate students to undertake chemical research and to provide travel awards for undergraduate conference attendance. |
the Chemistry Graduate Gift Fund
Gifts support graduate student research in the Chemistry department through thesis awards, research awards, travel awards for graduate student attendance at national/international conferences, and other graduate student research initiatives. |
the Humayma Excavation Project Fund
At the discretion of the Project Director, funds assist archaeologists and Classics students with the excavation and analysis of Humayma (ancient Hawara), a Nabataean town and Roman fort on an ancient caravan route in what is now a Jordanian desert. |
the Cultural Studies Program Trust
Gifts to the Cultural Studies Program Trust will be used to enhance the learning experience of our students through academic and cultural activities that provide ongoing meaningful engagement with cultural issues relevant to local and global communities. |
the Department of Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy Trust Fund
Gifts will support activities that contribute to the enrichment of the teaching and learning environment, such as student and teaching awards, Chairs and Professorships, visiting lectures, professional development, research initiatives, and equipment. |
the Professor Chau Wai-yin Memorial Fund
Established in memory of Professor Wai Chau to provide financial support to undergraduate students who wish to attend conferences and workshops related to Physics. |
the Dr. W.A. Gorman Legacy Teaching Fund
Established to support and enhance the undergraduate student learning experience within the Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering by supporting teaching activities and promoting excellence in teaching. |
the Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering Trust Fund
At the discretion of the Head of Geological Sciences & Geological Engineering, gifts are used to support the greatest departmental needs, such as teaching and equipment purchases/maintenance. |
the Geology Teaching Assistant Fund
Gifts to this fund pay student Teaching Assistant salaries for courses offered by the Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering. TAships may be named in honour of the donor for a minimum donation of $5,000/yr for 3 years. |
the Geological Field Study Program
Established by Geological alumni and friends to support the Geological Studies Education Program. |
the Global Development Studies Trust Fund
A long-term investment for unspecified contingencies. Within this fund several ongoing projects will also be housed to support specific research projects linked to faculty members and their research networks. |
the Leslie Doucet Global Development Studies Student's Fund
Established in memory of Leslie Doucet to enable students to participate in globally-minded projects that will provide educational opportunities outside the classroom, often in non-traditional study sites. |
the Queen's Student Overseas Global Development Travel Fund
Established to provide one or more travel stipends to deserving third or fourth year undergraduate students enrolled in Global Development Studies to assist in pursuing work study activities in a low income country. |
the Department of History Trust Fund
This fund is used at the discretion of the Department Head to enhance academic programs and/or research infrastructure in the History Department. |
the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts Concert Series Fund
Proceeds from this fund will be used to help attract national and international musicians to the Concert Hall in the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts. |
the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures Trust
Gifts will be used, at the discretion of the Head of the Department of Languages, Literatures and Cultures, to support student enrichment activities such as studying abroad, invitation of visiting scholars, and special course offerings. |
the Chinese Trust Fund
Established to support the Chinese Language Programme at Queen's University. |
the German Trust Fund
This expendable fund is used at the discretion of the German Department Head to enhance academic programs and/or research infrastructure in the Department of German. |
the Spanish Trust Fund
Funding raising initiatives will include: assistance with student travel for study abroad; visiting lecturers, and special course offerings. |
the Italian Trust Fund
Funding raising initiatives will include: assistance with student travel for study abroad; visiting lecturers, and special course offerings. |
the Japanese Trust Fund
Established in February 2010 to support the Japanese Language Programme at Queen's University. |
the Math Department Trust Fund
Your gift will be used to support activities which enhance the learning experience of our students such as undergraduate conference travel, peer-to-peer tutoring, math club programming, invited lecturers and welcome receptions. |
the Coleman Research Fellows
Established to support the Coleman Research Fellows postdoctoral programme within the Math&Stats Department. Postdoctoral Fellows are integral to our programme, both as researchers with new ideas and teachers with new vitality. |
the Graham Kennedy Memorial Lecture Fund
Donations to this fund support an annual lecture in memory of philosophy undergraduate Graham Kennedy. Kennedy lectures are given by distinguished visiting speakers on a philosophical subject accessible to undergraduates. |
the Gregory Vlastos Memorial Lecture
Donations support an annual lecture in memory of the great philosopher and Queen's professor, Gregory Vlastos. Eminent speakers are invited to lecture on a theme relevant to Vlastos' work, especially ancient philosophy and ethics. |
the C.G. Prado Prize in Philosophy
Established in honour of Carlos G. Prado, Ph.D. 1970. Awarded to a graduate student in the Department of Philosophy who submits an outstanding doctoral thesis. |
the Department of Psychology Trust Fund
Gifts to the trust fund enhance academic programs in the Department of Psychology by providing support for a wide array of Undergraduate and Graduate student initiatives. |
the Psychology Clinic at Queen's Bursary Program
Established by alumni and friends of the Department of Psychology to provide pro bono psychological services to children who would not otherwise qualify. |
the SKHS Student Resource Fund
Established to provide annual discretionary support for the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies. |
the Margaret Farr Chamber Music Fund
Established by Margaret Farr for the purpose of stimulating the performance of chamber music at Queen's University and in the Kingston community by supporting chamber concerts organized by the Dan School of Drama and Music. |
the School of Religion General Fund
Funds will help the School of Religion maintain a creative and stimulating learning environment from which our Faculty, students, and alumni make significant contributions in the fields of religious studies and theology, both in Canada and globally. |
the School of Religion Student Aid Fund
Funds will help attract the best students to Queen's University and will provide financial assistance to students in the School of Religion, both in Theology and Religious Studies. |
the Sue Hendler Graduate Fellowship
Established by the Estate of Sue Hendler. Awarded to funding-eligible graduate students enrolled in Urban and Regional Planning in the School of Graduate Studies who are working on planning ethics or women/gender and planning. |
the Surveillance Studies Centre
Your gift will support priorities of the Surveillance Studies Centre including, but not limited to: new teaching positions (Chair, Professorship, Fellowship), enhanced curriculum, student support, community outreach, symposia and research. |
the Political Studies Trust Fund
This expendable fund is used at the discretion of the Department Head to support students and enhance academic programs and/or research infrastructure in the Department of Political Studies. |
the Class of Political Studies 2002 Speakers Series
Established to enliven the student experience within the Department of Political Studies by providing financial support for guest lectures and special topic courses celebrating the exchange between academic pursuits and the political life of Canada. |
the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts State-of-the-Art Expendable Fund
Proceeds to this fund will support both academic and non-academic programming, equipment, technology, other capital, and operational needs for the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts. |
the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts Integrated Learning Expendable Fund
This fund will support academic projects and artistic learning for students and faculty across the four creative arts departments, and support innovative interdisciplinary programming for an exceptional student learning experience. |
the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts Community Cultural Fund
The Community Cultural Fund will help local artists and cultural institutions present their work and offset their cost for using the Isabel Bader Centre for the Performing Arts. |
the ArtSci 1993 Undergraduate Bursary
Established by the Class of Arts & Science 1993. Awarded on the basis of financial need to students who self identify as First Nations, Metis, Inuit, or as members of the African and Caribbean Student Association in any year of Arts and Science. |
the Arts and Science 1972 Bursary
Established by the class of Arts '72 and awarded on the basis of financial need to upper year students in the Faculty of Arts and Science. |
the Arts & Science ThankQ 2004 Bursary
Established in September 2008 by the graduating Arts & Science Class of 2004 and awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to upper year students in the Faculty of Arts and Science. |
the Arts and Science 1954 Bursary
Established by the Class of Arts and Science 1954. Awarded on the basis of financial need to a student in the second year of any program in the Faculty of Arts and Science. |
the Arts and Science Innovative Learning Fund
The "broader learning environment" at Queen's requires that our learning spaces, equipment, technology, speakers and lecture series, and field study programs remain relevant and enriching for our students. Enhancements move forward with your support. |
the Arts and Science International Fund
Each year, Arts and Science students experience the world through 165 programs in more than 40 countries. Your gift will enable our students to participate in these programs and enhance international programming here at Queen's. |
the Peter Taylor Math Camp Fund
Established by Queen's University in honour of Professor Peter Taylor, it provides funding for ongoing math camp operations including bursaries for campers, recruitment, and day-to-day activities. |
the School of Nursing Undergraduate Bursary
Your gift will be used to provide bursary assistance to undergraduate Nursing students. |
the Revved Up Lab Trust Fund
Gifts will support activities that maintain and enhance the SKHS - Revved Up Lab program's mission to empower individuals with disability through education and a prescribed aerobic and strength training program |
the BCom '64 Endowment Fund
Established by Commerce 1964 to provide the Dean of the Smith School of Business funding flexibility for such purposes as faculty recruitment and retention, student support, research support, academic visitors, teaching, equipment and programs. |
the Biology Faculty's Award of Excellence
Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding-eligible graduate students in the Department of Biology. Preference given to students who self-identify as a person of Indigenous descent, Black students, or an underrepresented visible minority. |
the Walter Szarek Endowed Lecture Series
Established to support the costs associated with bringing eminent academics and chemists to Queen's University campus. These funds will be used to cover expenses related to the lecture or event, honoraria and/or speaking fees. |
the Sistema Kingston Fund
Established to support operations and promotional activities for the Sistema Kingston program, including but not limited to marketing and recruitment initiatives, salaries, travel expenses, program support and equipment. |
the Arts, Commerce, PHE 1965 Admission Bursary
Awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to students entering first year of an undergraduate degree program in the Faculty of Arts and Science or first year of the Bachelor of Commerce program in the Smith School of Business. |
the Paddon Thompson Memorial Geological Field Studies Fund
Established in memory of Paddon Thompson, BSc(Geol. Eng) '10, to provide the Head of the Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering support for the undergraduate students' field-education program. |
the Psychology Clinic Trust Fund
Supports the operations and programming of the Queen's University Psychology Clinic to enhance clinical training of graduate students in Clinical Psychology through the provision of psychological services to the Kingston and area community. |
the Dr. Kevin Parker Memorial Fund
Established in memory of Dr. Kevin Parker, BA (Hons) 1974, M.Div. 1977, MA 1978. Funding will be used to enhance clinical training of graduate students at the Queen's University Psychology Clinic, with a specific focus on clinical supervision training. |
the Geoff Lockwood Memorial Summer Studentship in the Department of Physics, Engineering Physics, and Astronomy
Established to provide funding for a researcher in the form of a grant, to be used exclusively to hire a summer student to conduct research in the Department of Physics, Engineering Physics and Astronomy at Queen's University. |
the Department of Philosophy Fund
Gifts to this fund can be used to support initiatives that enhance the life of the Department of Philosophy and the learning experiences of our students. |
the Gordon and Patricia Gray Chair in Particle Astrophysics
Established to provide intellectual leadership in the scientific discipline areas represented by the breadth of research endeavours undertaken in the SNOLAB facility. |
the Arts '71 Bursary
Established by the class of Arts '71. Awarded to a full-time student entering the first year in the Faculty of Arts and Science on the basis of financial need. |
the Masters of Industrial Relations Trust Fund
Funds will be used to offer social and personal peer-based support to students at Queen's University. |
the Arts and Science 1991 Bursary
The Class of Arts and Science 1991 is fundraising to create an endowed bursary supporting students in the Faculty of Arts and Science. Should the funding minimum not be raised, an expendable student award would be created. |
the Dr. Michael Baird Lecture Series
Established to support the costs associated with bringing eminent academics or chemists to Queen's University campus. These funds will be used to cover expenses related to the lecture or event, honoraria and/or speaking fees. |
the Arts '49 Principal Wallace Fellowship
Established by members of the Class of Arts '49 and friends in memory of Dr. Robert Charles Wallace, former Principal of Queen's University. Awarded to a deserving student in a graduate program in Arts & Science, Policy Studies or Urban Planning. |
the John Meisel Scholar Series in Contemporary Political Controversies
Established to support the costs associated with bringing eminent or emerging academics or public intellectuals to the Queen's University community. |
the Faculty of Arts & Science Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigenization Fund
Funds will support the establishment of a new fund for faculty initiatives in the advancement of Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Indigenization. Should the funding minimum not be raised, donations will be directed to the Dean of Arts & Science Trust. |
the Faculty of Arts and Science Student Health and Wellness Fund
Established in support of student health and wellness for overall physical and mental health promotion, illness prevention, anti-stigma, education and awareness, inclusivity, transitions, resilience, facilities, programming, counselling and peer support. |
the Indigenous Studies Interactive Fund
Your gift will be used to support the promotion of Indigenous learning activities through special lectures, speakers' series, teaching, student and club initiative programs. |
the T. Kurtis Kyser Memorial Scholarship
Awarded on the basis of academic excellence in geochemistry course(s) to students entering fourth year of a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree program with an academic plan in Geology. |
the Jewish Studies Fund
Established to broaden the Jewish Studies Program. |
the Director of Jewish Studies Fund
The purpose of The Director of Jewish Studies Endowment Fund will be to promote the Jewish Studies Program at Queen's University and provide leadership for the organization of academic activities related to it. |
the Arts '73 Bursary
Established by the class of Arts 1973. Awarded on the basis of financial need to a full-time student in any year in the Faculty of Arts and Science. |
the Principal Wallace Freedom of Opportunity Award
Established by Alfred and Isabel Bader in honour of Robert Charles Wallace, Queen's 11th Principal. Awarded to international students entering the first year of any undergraduate degree program. Preference will be given to a refugee student. |
the Arts and Science '98 Award
Established by the Class of Arts and Science 1998. Awarded on the basis of financial need and extra-curricular activities to a full-time student in any year in the Faculty of Arts and Science. |
the ArtSci '03 Award in memory of Eileen Krieger
Established by the class of Arts & Science 2003 in memory of Eileen Krieger. Awarded on the basis of financial need, academic achievement, and extra-curricular involvement to upper year students in the Faculty of Arts and Science. |
the Dr. Stan Brown Lecture Series
Established to support the costs associated with bringing eminent academics or chemists to Queen's University campus. These funds will be used to cover expenses related to the lecture or event, honoraria and/or speaking fees. |
the Visiting Artist Fund in Screen Culture
Established to support expenses related to an annual lecture/event (e.g. travel, accommodation, food, advertising and publication), honoraria and/or speaking fees to bring Canadian and International filmmakers to campus and the community. |
the Film and Media Trust Fund
At the discretion of the Head of the Department of Film and Media, this expendable fund is used to support the greatest needs of the department. |
the Film and Media Equipment Fund
At the discretion of the Head of the Department of Film and Media, in consultation with the senior technician, this expendable fund is used for the repair, replacement, and upgrading of equipment used for student productions and teaching. |
the Dr. John Ramlochand Memorial Student Initiatives Fund
Established by students, faculty, friends and family in memory of John Ramlochand who taught in the Department of Film and Media. The fund will be used to support student initiatives, either individually or in groups, that would benefit the Department. |
the Peter Morris Memorial Scholarship
Established in memory of Peter Morris, Professor of Film Studies. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to a graduating student completing an honours degree where the primary concentration is Film and Media. |
the Classics Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Award
Gifts will support awards for students who self-identify as Indigenous, Black Canadians, Visible Minority/Racialized persons, 2SLGBTQ+, or first-generation. If the funding minimum is not reached, gifts will be directed to the Department of Classics Trust. |
the Department of Classics Trust
Gifts to this fund will be used to support, at the discretion of the Head of the Department of Classics, initiatives intended to enhance our thriving academic environment. |
the Ross Kilpatrick Student Initiatives Fund
Established by Suzanne Kilpatrick and the Department of Classics to enable students to participate in projects that will provide educational opportunities outside the classroom and around the world. |
the Department of Classics Travel Grant
Established by the friends of the Department of Classics. Granted to graduate students or undergraduates in the Department of Classics for field research that must be carried out at a considerable distance from Queen's University. |
the Margaret Elaine Reesor Memorial Fund in Classics
Established in memory of Dr. Margaret Elaine Reesor, Professor with the Department of Classics, to support initiatives that enhance the life of the Department and the learning experiences of their students. |
the Herman Tracy Book Prize in Classics
Established in honour of Herman L. Tracy, BA, PhD, former head of the Department of Classics: a book prize to be awarded to a graduating student with the highest standing in the Department of Classics. |
the Barbara Eleanor Kirkland Fund
Established by the Estate of Barbara Eleanor Kirkland, B.A.(Hons) 1934, M.A. 1935 to be used preferably (but not necessarily) to further the study of Greek and/or Latin, and/or for any purpose within the Department of Classics. |
the Marc D. Rigby Prizes in Classical Studies
Established by Marc D. Rigby, B.Sc.(Eng) 1992, B.A. (Hons.) Classical Studies 1997. Awarded by the Department of Classics on the basis of academic excellence to students who have taken Classics courses. |
the Arts and Science 1979 Bursary
Established by the class of Arts and Science 1979, and awarded on the basis of financial need to students in the Faculty of Arts and Science. |
the Class of '94 Single Parent Undergraduate Bursary
Established by the Class of '94 and awarded on the basis of financial need to a student who is a single parent registered in a degree program in the Faculty of Arts and Science. |
the PHE PEQ Class Fund
Established to support the Prescription Exercise program, a collaborative program between Student Wellness Services and Athletics and Recreation, where students are "prescribed" personal training/exercise by a counsellor or physician. |
the Dean of Arts and Science Bursary
Established by the Dean through the support of alumni, friends and staff of Queen's University. Awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to students in any year of any degree program in the Faculty of Arts and Science. |
the Carlos Valente Memorial Fund
Funds will be used at the discretion of the Head, Department of Language, Literatures and Culture to promote and celebrate Portuguese language courses and cultural programming for students at Queen's University and in the Kingston community. |
the MIR Class of 1985 Bursary
Established by members of the Master of Industrial Relations Class of 1985. Awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to students in the Master of Industrial Relations degree program at Queen's University. |
the H. Carl Goldenberg Scholarship in Industrial Relations
Established in memory of H. Carl Goldenberg. Awarded to a student with a record of strong academic achievement who is pursuing a Master of Industrial Relations degree with a focus upon industrial relations. |
the Masters of Industrial Relations Alumni Fellowship Fund
An award to be created by MIR graduates for students in the Master of Industrial Relations Program. |
the Kumar-Wood Professional in Residence
Established by Industrial Relations alumni to bring to Queen's University a distinguished individual who has made an important contribution to industrial relations in Canada or in other countries. |
the Hon. Warren K. Winkler Speaker Series in Industrial Relations
Established in honour of The Hon. Warren K. Winkler and used to support a lecture series or seminar presented to graduate students in the Master of Industrial Relations program. |
the Winifred Ross and Pierre du Prey Fund for Emerging Technologies in Art, Art History, and Art Conservation
Established by Winifred Ross, BA'92, in honour of the burgeoning Department of Art and professor Dr. Pierre du Prey. To provide financial support to the Department in order to increase knowledge in and application of emerging technologies in Art. |
the Vojtech Jirat-Wasiutynski Memorial Travel Fund
Established to assist Queen's University graduate students in Art History with their travel expenses related to their research. |
the Merle and Philip Koven Bursary
Established in honour of Merle Koven and in memory of Phillip Koven. Awarded on the basis of financial need to an upper-year student with a concentration in Art History in a B.A. or B.A.(Hons.) program in the Faculty of Arts and Science. |
the Art Conservation Trust Fund
To assist various aspects of the Art Conservation Program which require special funding such as national/international guest speakers, workshops conducted by highly skilled professionals, and new conservation equipment for laboratories. |
the Art Conservation Student Travel Endowment Fund
Established to assist Art Conservation students with their travel expenses related to their research and training. |
the David McTavish Venice Summer School Fund
Gifts to this fund will be used to keep the students' fees as low as possible, and will also provide bursaries for students who would otherwise not be able to participate in this unique experience. |
the School of Computing Fund
Your gift will help the Queen's School of Computing maintain the highest standards of excellence in accomplishing its mission of education, research and service. |
the FRC Clarke Choral and Organ Fund
Gifts in memory of FRC Clarke are used by the Dan School of Drama and Music to support and enhance Departmental programming in choral music ensembles and organ performance including teaching, sheet music, conductor fees, composition and performance cost. |
the Helen Howard Music Coaching Fund
Established in March 2010 by Helen Howard, BA '48 to provide funding for the coaching of chamber music ensembles and sectional rehearsals for groups from the Dan School of Drama and Music's larger ensembles. |
the Drama Trust Fund
This fund supports all the operations of the Department, including most classroom and production activities. |
the Isabel String Quartet Fund
Established to support operations and promotional activities for the Isabel String Quartet concert program, including but not limited to marketing and promotions, event presentation, salaries, travel expenses, program support, and equipment. |
the Ireneus Zuk Distinguished Pianist Residency Fund
Established to enable the Dan School of Drama and Music to invite a renowned artist to visit Queen's University and to support the costs associated with such an invitation, primarily to provide the appropriate fees to the visitor. |
the Fine & Performing Arts Fund
To be used for various projects including visiting artists. |
the Cappon Trust
Established by the Department of English Literature and Creative Writing to increase departmental academic events for the purpose of enriching the student-faculty experience and raising the Department profile. |
the Department of English Literature and Creative Writing Writers Fund
Established to support creative writing programming in the Department of English Literature and Creative Writing. Funds will be used to support expenses related to lectures/events, honoraria and/or speaking fees, salaries, program support and equipment. |
the Joanne Page Lecture Fund
The Joanne Page Lecture Fund was established to support the costs associated with bringing distinguished Canadian writers to Queen's University. These funds will be used to cover expenses related to the lecture or event, honoraria and/or speaker fees. |
the George Whalley Visiting Professorship
Established by Peter Scott, friends, family and colleagues, in memory of Dr. George Whalley. These funds bring visitors of academic distinction, with teaching and research interests relevant to the Department of English Literature and Creative Writing. |
the QED Initiatives Trust
This fund is used at the discretion of the Head of the Department for a wide array of undergraduate and graduate student initiatives and departmental needs. |
the Douglas D. Purvis Professorship of Economics
Established to help the Economics Department attract and retain first-rate faculty. The incumbent is expected to contribute to the Department through high standards of teaching, supervision of graduate students, research, and service to the University. |
the Frank David Lewis Memorial Fund
Established to support research and teaching in economic history at Queen's University, with a focus on facilitating the work of graduate students and other young scholars. Funding will be disbursed at the discretion of the Head of the Department of Econo |
the Alan G. Green Memorial Fund for Economic History at Queen's
Established in memory of Alan G. Green, B.A. (Hons.) 1957, to provide financial resources to support research and teaching in economic history within the Queen's Economic Department. |
the QED Advantage Fund
Established for the Department of Economics to improve the quality of its undergraduate programs. All funds are to be spent on undergraduate education, including adjunct faculty members, teaching fellows, and teaching assistants for undergraduate courses |
the Department of Economics Bursary
Established in May 2001 from donations and awarded to a student in the Department of Economics on the basis of financial need. |
the Life Sciences Trust Fund
Your gift will be used to enhance teaching and scholarly activity, purchase equipment, and support pedagogical research in the Life Sciences program at Queen's University. |
the Visual Art Trust Fund
Gifts to this fund will be invested in priority equipment and programming for the Fine Art (Visual Art) Program to enhance our students' art making techniques and processes, and foster a learning environment that encourages experimentation and invention. |
the Printmaking Trust
Your gifts to this fund support the Fine Arts (Studio) program in delivery of its highly successful annual trip to a printmaking studio in North Adams (Massachusetts) and a unique hands-on student experience. |
the Terrie Easter Sheen Graduate Award
Established in honour of Terrie Easter Sheen. Awarded to graduate students enrolled in the Department of Gender Studies, with preference to students who self-identify as 2SLGBTQ+, Visible Minority/Racialized persons, Black Canadians, or Indigenous persons |
the Kathleen A. Herman Prize in Gender Studies
Established to honour Kathleen Herman. Awarded each year to the student in any program who submits the best project in one of the courses in Gender Studies. |
the Gender Studies Gift Fund
This expendable fund is used at the discretion of the Head to support the operations of the Gender Studies Department including enhancing academic programs and/or research infrastructure. |
the Stephanie Simpson Bursary
Established in honour of Stephanie Simpson and awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to students who self-identify as Black Canadian entering first year of any first entry undergraduate degree program. |
the Poole Award in Women's and Gender Studies
Established by Alice Poole, Arts 1942. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to Master's students in Gender Studies who have a research interest in studies related to increasing understanding of and action on improvement of the status of women. |
the Suning Wang Lecture Series
Established in memory of the late Dr. Suning Wang, a faculty member of the Department of Chemistry. This fund will be used to support the costs associated with bringing eminent academics or chemists to Queen's University campus. |
the Environmental Studies Graduate Scholarship
Awarded to graduate students in the Master of Environmental Studies program who achieve the highest overall combined average in ENSC 801* and ENSC 802*. If more than one student qualifies for the award, the funds for that year will be divided equally. |
the School of Environmental Studies Enhancement Fund
At the discretion of the Director, gifts to this fund will be used to support initiatives that promote and enhance the School of Environmental Studies including: special lectures, undergraduate teaching, research and equipment. |
the Environmental Studies Lectureship Fund
The Environmental Studies Lectureship Fund was established to provide funds to attract the most influential names in the world to speak on related issues of the environment and sustainability that are crucial to our future well-being. |
the Environmental Studies Scholarship
Established by the School of Environmental Studies from donations and school funds and awarded on the recommendation of the School to a student admitted to Honours in the Environmental Studies program exhibiting academic distinction. |
the Ruby Cordy Award
Established by Ruby Cormier, BA'34, MA'42. Awarded on the basis of academic achievement and financial need to a full-time fourth year student completing a B.A.(Honours) program with a medial or major concentration in French Studies. |
the French Studies Trust
This fund will be used at the discretion of the Department Head to enhance academic programs and/or research infrastructure to support our exceptional community of students. |
the Barbara C. Pearson Memorial Prize
Established in memory of Barbara Cynthia Pearson. Awarded to a graduating student in the French Studies Translation program on the basis of academic proficiency and interest in campus activities. A portion of the prize is meant to purchase books. |
the Richard and Mildred Ruggles Fund for Enhanced Education in Geography
Established by Richard and Mildred Ruggles to provide investment income that may be used either to enhance the field studies component of instruction or for the incorporation of the arts into geographic education at Queen's. |
the School of Urban and Regional Planning Bursary
Established from donations and awarded on the basis of financial need to students in the School of Urban and Regional Planning. |
the School of Urban and Regional Planning Trust Fund
This expendable fund is used at the discretion of the Department Head to enhance academic programs and/or research infrastructure in Department of Geography and Planning. |
the Geography Equipment Fund
At the discretion of the Head, Department of Geography, these funds provide and maintain specialized equipment that is fundamental to the dynamic and innovative, research-based undergraduate programming. |
the Geography Field Trip/General Fund
At the discretion of the Head, Department of Geography, these funds are made available to students to provide cost reduction for field trips which are truly essential to the undergraduate experience. |
the Dr. Alistair M. Macleod Distinguished Lecture Series in Philosophy
Established in honour of Professor Emeritus Dr. Alistair Macleod for his commitment to Queen's and the discipline of philosophy. The fund will support the costs associated with bringing eminent academics and philosophers to Queen's University campus. |
the Queen's China Alumni Scholarship
Awarded to students in fourth year of a Bachelor of Science degree in the Faculty of Arts and Science with a Plan in Biology or Environmental Science, who entered Queen's in third year from Beijing Normal University, Fudan University or Tongji University. |
the Policy Studies Excellence Fund
Established to support excellence in the School of Policy Studies on the part of faculty and students. |
the Arts and Science Class of 1967 Admission Bursary
Established by Arts and Science Class of 1967 and awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to students entering first year of any first-entry undergraduate degree program in the Faculty of Arts and Science. |
the Dean of Arts & Science Trust Fund
Gifts to this fund will be used at the discretion of the Dean of Arts & Science for a number of purposes including, but not limited to, providing learning beyond the classroom and fostering links with donors, industry and the community. |
the Arts and Science '78 Bursary
Established by the class of Arts '78 and awarded on the basis of financial need to second, third, or fourth year students registered in any program in the Faculty of Arts and Science. |
the Arts '70 Study Abroad Award
Established by the class of Arts '70 and awarded on the basis of merit and financial need to a student currently enrolled in the Faculty of Arts and Science who has been selected to take part in an official exchange program abroad. |
the June Richards Piano Award
Your donations will support the creation of an endowed award in memory of June Richards for students in the Dan School of Drama and Music. Should the funding minimum not be raised, an expendable student award would be created. |
the Carolyn Smart Writer-in-Residence Fund
Established in honour of the retirement of Carolyn Smart. Funding will be used to support the expenses and salary of the writers-in-residence, whose role will offer students, academics, and community writers direct access to advice and experience. |
the Plumley Family Awards
Established by Kent Plumley, B.Sc.(Eng.) 1960, LL.B. 1963, and Sandra Plumley, B.A. 1966, and awarded on the basis of financial need to undergraduate students at Queen's University. |
the Hugh Thorburn Memorial Award
Awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need and academic achievement to students in any year of a Bachelor of Arts Honours degree program in the Faculty of Arts & Science with an academic plan in Political Studies. |
the Victor Snieckus Memorial Fund
Your donation will support the establishment of an endowed named fund in memory of Dr. Victor Snieckus. Should the funding minimum not be reached and expendable fund will be created. |
the Pall Ardal Moral Philosophy Scholarship
Established by Sten Ardal in honour of his father, Professor Pall Ardal. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to upper-year students of a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree program with an academic plan offered by the Department of Philosophy. |
the Arts '50 Scholarship
Established by the Class of Arts '50. Awarded to a student entering final year in the Faculty of Arts and Science who has made a personal contribution to the life of the University and maintained a GPA of at least 2.0 on the work of his or her program. |
the Fresh Water & Long-term Climate Change Program Fund
The Fresh Water & Long-term Climate Change Fund was established to support the work and scholarly activities of the Department of Biology's faculty and students related to the study of climate change. |
the Life Sciences '83 Fund
Established by the class of Life Sciences 1983 to support the acquisition of state-of-the-art laboratory equipment and innovative educational technologies that will enhance experiential learning in Life Science Student Laboratories. |
the Arts and Science '97 Bursary
Established by the class of Arts 1997. Awarded on the basis of financial need to a full-time student in any year in the Faculty of Arts and Science. |
the Arts & Science 2002 Award
Established by the class of Arts & Science Class 2002. Awarded on the basis of financial need, academic achievement, and extra-curricular involvement to upper year students in the Faculty of Arts and Science. |
the J. William and Marion E. (Smith) MacKinnon Fund
Established by Marion E. MacKinnon, Arts '43, in memory of her late husband J. William MacKinnon. The proceeds of this fund will provide the Head of the Economics Department with discretionary funds to promote excellence in teaching and research. |
the Dr. Michael Levison and Family Scholarship
Established in memory of Dr. Michael Levison and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to students entering first year of any first entry undergraduate degree program in the School of Computing. Preference will be given to women. |
the Art McDonald Fund for the Advancement of Women in STEM Subjects
Funds will be used to offset expenses for women to participate in activities and programming for the advancement of women in STEM subjects, professional development, mentoring programs, and research or post-doc fellowships. |
the Ban Righ Foundation Fund
Your donations will be used to help sustain the daily operations and programming of the Ban Righ Centre. Funds will be disbursed at the discretion of the Director in consultation with the Board of Directors of the Ban Righ Foundation. |
the Geology Undergraduate Summer Experience Fund
Your donation will support a new expendable fund for paid employment of students in the summer to develop field, lab, modeling and research skills. If the funding minimum is not reached, donations will be directed to the Geology Trust Fund. |
the Mark Howard Pentland Memorial Award
Established in memory of Mark Howard Pentland, BPHE 1979. Awarded on the basis of financial need to students in the second, third, or fourth year in the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies. |
the Beryl S. Garrett Award in Mathematics
Awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need and academic achievement to students in any year of a Bachelor of Science degree program in the Faculty of Arts and Science. Preference to students with an academic plan in Mathematics and Statistics. |
the Valerie Feltham & Tammy Bekkers Memorial Bursary
Awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to students in any year of a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree in the Faculty of Arts and Science. Preference will be given to students with an academic plan in Political Studies or French Studies. |
the Pamela McDonald Memorial Award
Established by Bruce McDonald in memory of Pamela McDonald, BSc'03. Awarded on the basis of need and athletic excellence to 3rd or 4th year students enrolled in the B.Sc.(Honours) program who are members of a Gaels interuniversity athletic team. |
the QUBS Environmental and Conservation Research and Learning Centre
This fund will be used for the construction of a new facility at QUBS to host extensive teaching and research efforts as we strive to tackle pressing global environmental issues. |
the DAN School of Drama and Music Fund
The DAN School of Drama and Music Fund was established for the design and innovation of new and existing degree programming for Drama, Music, and Music Theatre in the DAN School of Drama and Music. |
the Bruce T. Evans Memorial Geology Field Study Fund
Established by members of the Classes of Geology and Geological Engineering 1982 in memory of their classmate, Bruce T. Evans, BSc 1982. Funds will support field study education programming in Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering. |
the Molly Higginson Memorial Award
An award in honour of Molly (Innes) Higginson based on financial need to female students who have experienced an interruption in their formal education and who are enrolled in a degree program in Science, Technology, Engineering or Math. |
the Political Studies Trust Fund
Your gifts will support the Centre for the Study of Democracy and Development within the Department of Political Studies. |
the Fran and Peter Thompson Bursary
Established by the children, family and friends of Fran (née Robertson; B.A. '64) and Peter (B.A.'62, LL.B.'65). Awarded on the basis of financial need to a student in any faculty or school at Queen's University. |
the Ban Righ Foundation Bursaries
Established by donations made to Queen's University Ban Righ Foundation for Continuing Education and awarded on the basis of financial need to students who are residents of Ontario. |
the Faculty of Arts and Science Graduate Recruitment Fund
Created by the Faculty of Arts and Science to enhance Masters and PhD funding packages for incoming and current graduate students with a goal of increasing enrolment targets and enhancing the profile of graduate programming at Queen's University. |
the AMS Food Bank Fund
Established to provide the Queen's community with food service in the most comfortable environment possible. |
the Don Krestel Memorial Award
Established in memory of Donald Andrew Krestel, BA/BPHE'74. Awarded to a student in the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies, who is best able to promote among his or her classmates an appreciation of the needs of the individual and of the community |
the Fred Euringer Award in Drama
Established in honour of J.A. (Fred) Euringer. Awarded to a student enrolled in the Queen's University Drama program and is intended to facilitate the recipient's ability to create theatre within the Kingston community. |
the Nursing 1984 Bursary
Established by members of the class of Nursing 1984 in recognition of their 20th and 25th anniversaries after graduation from the School of Nursing. |
the Science 1984 Admission Award
Awarded for financial need and academic achievement to students entering first year of a Bachelor of Applied Science. Preference to (1) Indigenous students (2) Page | 2 Women, Black Cdn, Visible Minority/Racialized Persons, 2SLGBTQ+, or Persons with Disab |
the Commerce 1984 Memorial Bursary
Established by the Class of Commerce 1984 in celebration of their 30th reunion in 2014. Awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to students entering first year of the Bachelor of Commerce program in the Smith School of Business. |
the PHE 1975 Scholarship
Established by the Class of PHE 1975 and awarded on the basis of academic excellence to a student entering second year of a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree in Kinesiology |