International Women's Day - Faculty of Arts & Science

Happy International Women's Day!
In the Faculty of Arts & Science, we know how important it is to break biases and take action toward true gender equality, which is why we have developed initiatives that will empower all members of our community to feel included, valued, and celebrated. Your gift to the Faculty can help:
- Support women scholars in traditionally male-majority subject areas
- Support research related to improving the status of women
- Support community programs providing access to education for women and girls
Choose between opportunities like these when you take action by clicking Give Now:
The Poole Award in Women's and Gender Studies - benefiting Master's students whose research relates to increasing understanding of and action on the improvement of the status of women
The Art McDonald Fund for the Advancement of Women in STEM Subjects - funds offset expenses for women to participate in activities and programming for the advancement of women in STEM subjects (professional development, mentoring programs, and research or post-doc fellowships)
The Peter Taylor Math Camp Fund - a summer camp for high school girls led by women mathematicians, this fund supports operations, bursaries, and recruitment to provide more girls the chance to attend, as campers or leaders
Faculty of Arts & Science Equity, Diversity, Inclusion and Indigenization Fund - a new fund supporting equity, diversity, inclusion, and indigenization programs, initiatives, and policies within the Faculty, including but not limited to gender equity
Dr. Michael Levison and Family Scholarship - an entrance award for the School of Computing, with preference given to women