Class of Geo'95

Remember being in the field and that TA who helped you go from "huh" to "aha"? Or maybe it was in a lab or in the classroom. Wherever it was, your TA was always there to help you make sense of what you were learning.
That's because Teaching Assistants are and always have been an essential part of the instructional team in the Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering. With the instructor's assistance, TAs prepare and lead the labs, tutorials and field trips and tutorials, and grade student work. Without TAs, the educational experience of students would not be as rewarding as it is.
Now it is up to us to make sure that future Geo's can have the same "aha!" moments. The Class of '95 Named TAship will provide 2 graduate or 4 undergraduate TAs to the Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering at Queen's. We can make a difference.