Arts '71 Bursary

Established by the class of Arts'71 in celebration of their 25th year of graduation and awarded to a full-time student entering the first year in the Faculty of Arts and Science on the basis of financial need.
"Receiving the Arts '71 Bursary had an enormous impact on my time at Queen's. The financial flexibility provided by receiving the bursary meant that I did not have to simply look for the highest-paying part-time job I could find, but that I could look for a part-time job that would enrich my experience at Queen's. I ended up applying for and working for the campus Walkhome program.
I worked for Walkhome during my entire 5 years at Queen's (including a year managing the service), became very involved in student government, and upon graduation was a recipient of the Agnes Benidickson Tricolour Award, which is the highest honour a student can receive for extra-curricular involvement at Queen's.
Simply put, receiving the Arts '71 Bursary gave me an opportunity to fully experience and make the most out of my time at Queen's, which is something I would not have been able to do otherwise." ~ Adam S.