Queen’s Faculty of Law prides itself on both its heritage and its ability to prepare students for contemporary practice. Our opportunities to give reflect both of these points of emphasis. Funds to help create a Chair in Business Law, or to honour the legacies of some of our treasured faculty and former students, highlight the rich history of the Faculty and the contributions of its members. Opportunities to support our Centre for Law in the Contemporary workplace, hands-on education, and international study programs show an ongoing investment in the kind of education today’s lawyers need to thrive.

Giving Opportunities
Giving Opportunities
Featured Giving Opportunities
Unrestricted funds are essential so that the faculty can address urgent needs and take advantage of emerging opport ... (Learn More)
Unrestricted funds are essential so that the faculty can address urgent needs and take advantage of ... (Learn More)
As tuition and costs of living rise, ensuring that a quality legal education remains accessible requires substantia ... (Learn More)
As tuition and costs of living rise, ensuring that a quality legal education remains accessible requ ... (Learn More)
There is no better way for students to apply classroom theory than to work in a real-life setting under the close s ... (Learn More)
There is no better way for students to apply classroom theory than to work in a real-life setting un ... (Learn More)
This award aims to recognize and celebrate the exceptional achievements of incoming Black Canadian students who hav ... (Learn More)
This award aims to recognize and celebrate the exceptional achievements of incoming Black Canadian s ... (Learn More)