Featured Giving Opportunities
The Queen's Baja SAE Design Team is a group of dedicated engineering students who work together to build a small of ... (Learn More)
The Queen's Baja SAE Design Team is a group of dedicated engineering students who work together to b ... (Learn More)
The Queen's University Formula SAE Design and Race Team was founded in 1993 and designs, builds, and competes with ... (Learn More)
The Queen's University Formula SAE Design and Race Team was founded in 1993 and designs, builds, and ... (Learn More)
The Queen's Solar Design Team is building a fully autonomous, net-zero energy home here on Queen’s west campu ... (Learn More)
The Queen's Solar Design Team is building a fully autonomous, net-zero energy home here on QueenR ... (Learn More)
QMAST is a student design team that designs and builds autonomous sailboats. (Learn More)
QMAST is a student design team that designs and builds autonomous sailboats. (Learn More)