Queen's Rocket Engineering Team Fund

The Queen's Rocket Engineering Team (QRET) is a multi-disciplinary team with members across all years who share a passion for rocketry, entrepreneurship, innovation, and competition at the international level. The team designs and manufactures a rocket to launch and compete at two competitions each year, with the goal of reaching a target altitude of 30,000ft and successfully recovering the rocket after descent. The first of these is the Spaceport America Cup, which is an international rocketry competition held in June in Las Cruces, New Mexico, USA, with over 150 teams and 24 countries participating. The other is the Launch Canada Challenge, which is a Canadian-only competition held in August in Timmins, Ontario. In 2023, QRET competed in both the Spaceport America Cup and the Launch Canada Challenge on both the international and national levels. The team launched at both competitions and managed to place first in the solid motor category at Launch Canada. The team's goal continues to be the establishment of an exceptional knowledge base and furthering member development for future years.
Funds provide undergraduate students the opportunity to design and build a high-power rocket, travel to competitions and conferences, and participate in educational outreach activities.
Contact info:
Website: www.qret.ca
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/queensrocketry
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/queensrocketry/?originalSubdomain=ca
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/QueensRocketry/
Email: qret@engsoc.queensu.ca