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Where Excellence Meets Opportunity

Queen's is more than a collection of bright minds - it is made up of people who want to learn, discover, think and do; people with an ambitious spirit who imagine what the future can be, and work together to realize it. That is the Queen's spirit - a bold, enduring spirit of initiative.

Queen's students are ready to apply their knowledge and create change - but they need your help!

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Due to the postal strike, the CRA has extended the deadline for 2024 charitable tax credit donations to Feb. 28, 2025. Learn more

Featured Giving Opportunities

When you give to the Queen’s Fund and support Principal Deane’s priorities, you are helping to build a better campu ... (Learn More) When you give to the Queen’s Fund and support Principal Deane’s priorities, you are helping to build ... (Learn More)
A Law Student is gifted a Pendleton blanket as he crosses the stage at convocation. (Learn More) A Law Student is gifted a Pendleton blanket as he crosses the stage at convocation. (Learn More)
The Principal’s Global Scholars and Fellows Program supports students, post-doctoral fellows, and faculty members d ... (Learn More) The Principal’s Global Scholars and Fellows Program supports students, post-doctoral fellows, and fa ... (Learn More)