Viewing Faculty of Health Sciences


Queen's Health Sciences

On October 18, 2021, Queen's Health Sciences announced a new strategic plan, Radical Collaboration.

This transformational plan will change the way that we deliver health sciences education, do research and deliver care to communities across Ontatio. It will also see a deep focus on interdisciplinary science, interprofessional education and collaboration across all facets of our work.

Radical Collaboration is anchored in five strategic priorities that champion collaboration across our faculty. It embraces:

  • Interdisciplinary research
  • Integrated health sciences education
  • Clinical impact in the community and beyond
  • A commitment to equity, diversity, inclusion, Indigeneity, and accessibility (EDIIA)
  • Thriving people and a nurturing culture

By learning together, discovering together, and serving together, we will dramatically renew the approach to training Canada's future health scientists. This collaborative approach will foster an ability to address the world's pressing health challenges through cutting-edge, interdisciplinary research.

Thank you for your support for Queen's Health Sciences. We look forward to moving forward with you on this path to radical collaboration.


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