The Dr. Malcolm Peat Lectureship Fund

The Dr. Malcolm Peat Lectureship was established in memory and recognition of former Queen's School of Rehabilitation Therapy Director and founder of the International Centre for Advancement of Community Based Rehabilitation (ICACBR), Dr. Malcolm Peat.
During his tenure with the School and ICACBR, Dr. Peat, who was passionate about improving the lives of people around the world using CBR approaches, was instrumental in raising the international profile of Queen’s and the School of Rehabilitation Therapy.
With a goal of stimulating thought and expanding horizons, this lectureship will bring expertise to Queen’s and honour the internationally recognized work of Dr. Peat.
The Lectureship Fund supports the costs involved with bringing to Queen's prominent national and international speakers in fields associated with Community Based Rehabilitation, Global Health and Global Rehabilitation to deliver an annual lecture in the Spring.