the Queen's Fund
Your gift will support the priority initiatives of Principal Deane. You will help our campus become more diverse and inclusive, strengthen our local community, grow our global presence, and leverage research & tech to prepare students and their impact. |
the Queen's Health Sciences Fund
Funds will allow Queen's Health Sciences to make investments to attract the best students, build on educational programs, and support research. |
the Dean of Arts & Science Trust Fund
Gifts to this fund will be used at the discretion of the Dean of Arts & Science for a number of purposes including, but not limited to, providing learning beyond the classroom and fostering links with donors, industry and the community. |
the Ingenuity Lab Research Institute Fund
To support research in Smith Engineering focused on combining Artificial Intelligence, Robotics, and Human-Machine Interaction to create future intelligent systems and robotic machines. |
the Dean's Awards in Graduate Studies
Dean's Awards in Graduate Studies - Established for doctoral students pursuing dissertation research from Queen's. Awards are available to Indigenous students, Black Canadian students and other Canadian visible minority students. |
the Community Initiatives Fund
Established by corporations, foundations, alumni, to provide opportunities for students, faculty and staff to put education research and knowledge into practice benefiting the public. Funds will be used at the discretion of the Dean, Faculty of Education. |
the Experiential Learning Fund
The Experiential Learning Fund was established to support the functions and operations of the clinical program offerings and moot programs at Queen's Law. |
the Smith School of Business Dean's Innovation Fund
Established to provide a flexible fund that supports the foundation for our program, e.g., seed capital to pilot important initiatives like the Corporate Social Responsibility Weekend & the Commerce Entrance Scholarships in the Smith School of Business. |