The Dr. James A. Low Fellowship

Colleagues, family and friends are fundraising to establish the Dr. James A. Low Fellowship in Obstetrics and Gynaecology. A lead gift from the Low Family, matched by the Department has kicked off the campaign. With a goal of advancing research and education, this fellowship will bring expertise to Queen’s and honour the internationally recognized work of Dr. Low. During the 20 years as Head, he was instrumental in shaping the Queen’s Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology into one of the most respected academic clinical departments and one of the most sought after postgraduate residency programs in the country.
With all of his achievements, Dr. Low always identified that his successes have been a part of his role with the Department at Queen’s and has always promoted recognition of the university. Ultimate, this fellowship will honour Dr. Low’s influential and productive careers as an academic obstetrician and gynecologist in Canada.