
The Law’97 Bursary
The Law’97 Bursary was established in March 2003 by members of our class and awarded on the basis of financial need to students in any year of the Faculty of Law who demonstrate participation in extra-curricular activities such as, but not limited to, intramurals, Law Revue and Law Games.
With law school tuition now exceeding $19,000 per year, financial aid is more important than ever. Let’s help to ensure that qualified students are not restricted from attending Queen’s Law because of financial restraints.
Please consider making a donation to our class bursary. Contributions of all sizes are welcome and each and every gift will help to increase the class bursary. Donations can be made with a one-time gift or a multi-year pledge with payments spread over a maximum of 5 years. All donations are tax deductible.
Matt Holmberg, Law'97 Vice-President