David J. Turcke Fund in Civil Engineering

The newly launched David J. Turcke Building Partnerships Fund in Civil Engineering recognizes one of the Faculty’s most distinguished leaders. David, head of Civil Engineering from 1995 to 2005, emphasized industry partnerships as he shaped the department into one of the most successful in the country.
The fund is a way of remembering the substantial impact that David had on developing strong links with our many industrial partners. It was established to honour the Building Partnerships program, one of his many legacies. This program provides employment opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students, has led to contract research on specific issues encountered by industry, and opens avenues for feedback on industrial needs that inform the teaching curriculum.
David, who passed away in 2013, was known as a dedicated teacher, friend, and mentor by students, colleagues, and alumni. He had an infectious personality and was a great mentor to many students and younger faculty members.