The Retirees' Association of Queen's

Thank you for visiting the RAQ Bursary page.
Good news! Through your generous response to the 175th year appeal, RAQ has now exceeded our original goal of $12,500, the minimum amount required for our type of award. These funds will allow Queen’s to award one $2,500 bursary to a student in need for each of the next five years. Interested students apply in October; a recipient is chosen in November or December, and funds are granted in January.
It will take very little to extend this bursary beyond 2022. Each year that the fund maintains a minimum of $2,500 (only 20% of the original goal) the award will be granted. If contributions cease, the fund will close.
Please help us make the RAQ bursary an ongoing annual award by adding it to your annual charitable donations. To continue to support this fund, please hit ‘Give Now’ and make your gift today.
To provide future support through an estate gift or to learn more about this opportunity, please click here: 'Give Later'.
Thank you for helping a student benefit from the invaluable gift of education.
New Goal: $2,500 per year.
Thank you to your 2021/2022 donors:
- Mr. Denis Magnusson
- Dr. Alistair MacLean & Ms. Gail MacAllister
- Dr. John Kirby
- Dr. Douglas & Mrs. Beverley Boyd
- Dr. Bruce & Ms. Linda Hutchinson
- Dr. Lorne Campbell
- Dr. Arlene Aish
- Dr. Sandra Olney
- Dr. George Brandie
- Mr Karl Duttle and Mrs Diane Duttle
Thank you to your 2020/21 donors:
- Ms Diane Kelly
- Ms Cherrilyn Yalin
- Dr George Brandie
- Mr Karl Duttle and Mrs Diane Duttle
Thank you to your 2019/20 donors:
- Dr Douglas Boyd & Mrs Beverley Boyd
- Dr George Brandie
- Dr Lorne Campbell
- Mr Karl Duttle and Mrs Diane Duttle
- Mr John Whiteley & Mrs Marilyn Goodyear Whiteley
- Dr Bruce Hutchinson & Ms Linda Hutchinson
- Ms Diane Kelly
- Dr Alistair MacLean & Ms Gail MacAllister
- Mr Denis Magnusson
- Dr Joan Stevenson
- Ms Cherrilyn Yalin
- Mrs Mary Zureik
- Dr William James & Ms Carolyn Kirkup
- Dr Phillip Rogers & Mrs Eleanor Rogers
- Dr Arlene Aish
Thank you to your 2018/19 donors:
- David and Jean McLay
- Lorne Campbell
- George Brandie
- Karl and Diane Duttle
- Dr. AJ Taylor and Ms. Elaine McDougall