The EMBA Legacy Fund

The EMBA Legacy Funds were created to support projects and initiatives of the EMBA program and its current students. There are two fund options that you can donate to – an endowed fund and an expendable fund. Contributions to both enhance the EMBA student experience and are greatly appreciated.
The endowed fund is a permanent, self-sustaining source of funding. Endowment assets are invested in Queen’s Pooled Endowment Fund. Each year, a portion of the value of the fund is paid out to support the EMBA Legacy Fund’s purpose. In this way, an endowed fund can grow and provide support for its designated purpose in perpetuity. In an expendable fund, the funds in their entirety are available for use. Together, these funds provide both continuity and flexibility in making funding available to the EMBA program. You can choose to support either or both funds.
The EMBA Legacy Fund (Endowed)
The EMBA Legacy Fund was first established by the Executive MBA Class of 1994 in celebration of their 20th Reunion. Since then, EMBA graduating and reunion classes have added to the fund to provide support for activities that promote leadership excellence and innovation. This funding will ensure the EMBA program at Smith School of Business will stay at the forefront of business education.
By supporting the EMBA Legacy Fund, you will help EMBA students directly. The more this fund grows, the greater the impact will be on future students. The Fund is overseen by the EMBA Legacy Fund Committee, comprised of EMBA Alumni representing classes who supported the fund with a collective gift. The Committee ensures that funding is awarded to projects that enhance the student experience and promote the Smith EMBA brand globally.
Donations to this fund are invested into the Queen’s Endowment fund and disburse roughly ~4% each year. Donating to this fund will ensure the long time support of the EMBA program.
Join your fellow EMBA students and graduates to support this important initiative.
The Executive MBA Legacy Fund (Expendable)
The purpose of the Fund is to continuously support projects and initiatives directly to students of the Executive MBA program at Smith School of Business. These projects will play a pivotal role in enabling all EMBA students to reach their full potential and to have a memorable experience in Canada. Should the fund minimum not be reached, funds will be transferred to The EMBA Legacy Fund.
Donations to this fund are not invested in the Queen’s endowment fund but are intended to be used to meet the Programs highest needs. Donating to this fund will ensure the EMBA program will have funding for its most immediate needs.