Equestrian Club

Queen’s Equestrian Team
For many equestrians, the transition to university is also marked by an end to their involvement in sports. Many students are unable to find riding opportunities as they move to a new city and slowly lose interest in equestrian activities.
The Queen’s Equestrian team aims to provide competitive riding opportunities to those involved in equestrian sports, allowing them to stay connected to their community as they pursue a university degree. Through membership on the team, athletes stay active and competition-ready while expanding their equestrian connections.
The team competes through the Ontario Collegiate Equestrian Association and, as such, is required to host one horse show per year. Hosting a show comes with a variety of expenses; the team is required to cover the cost of facility rental, horse rental, shipping of horses, and the cost of hiring show officials.
The Queen’s Equestrian team has set a goal of $7,500 to ensure that our athletes get the opportunity to compete at the collegiate level.
Your donations ensure that we can continue to represent the Gaels on the OCEA circuit for years to come. All donations receive a tax receipt, and those over $500 will receive a Queen’s Equestrian ballcap.
Hannah VanLeeuwen