Queen's Fund

Together we accomplish more
When you make a gift to the Queen’s Fund, you are part of a community dedicated to making positive change on our campus and in our world. You’ll see your gift at work in the daily lives of our students and the world-changing research of our scholars.
The Queen’s Fund allows you to support the priority initiatives of Principal Patrick Deane, initiatives that will see our campus become more diverse and inclusive, strengthen our relationship with the Kingston community, grow our presence on the global stage, and leverage research and technology to prepare our students to impact the world.
Equity, diversity, inclusion, and Indigeneity: Your gift will support anti-racism and anti-oppression efforts on campus and ensure that equity-deserving groups have the services and supports they need to thrive at Queen’s.
Engaging the Kingston community: With your gift, you will help Queen’s build strong, strategic relationships with partners in Kingston and beyond that will benefit our students, our researchers, and our communities.
Growing our global presence: With a gift to the Queen’s Fund, you will help us strengthen our reputation globally, bringing the world to Queen’s and Queen’s to the world.
Equipping our students for impact: Your gift will empower us to hire more researchers and attract more graduate students, take advantage of the latest technologies to teach our students better, and integrate more research into our undergraduate programs.
In the 2021 Times Higher Education Impact Rankings, Queen’s was rated first in Canada and fifth in the world among universities who are advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
When you give to the Queen’s Fund and support Principal Deane’s priorities, you are helping to build a better campus and supporting our students and researchers as they help build a better world.