
Reunion: We are celebrating our 35th anniversary at Homecoming Weekend, October 16-20, 2020.
Our class gift fund was an initiative begun following our 25th reunion in 2005. Thanks to your generous support, we met our original endowment target of $150,000 in 2010 and the fund has generated $20,000 in income since then to support the Law ’80 Visiting Lecturer in Business Law. The fund was re-purposed in 2014 to help Queen’s attract a first class candidate to fill a faculty position teaching business law.
Some Law ’80 class members pledged $50,000 as matching funds for donations made to the Law ’80 fund prior to our 35th reunion, in the hopes of increasing our class gift fund endowment to $250,000 in 2015. We are very pleased to report that our goal was reached on Homecoming Weekend!
Law '80 Committee:
Gregory A. Piasetzki
George Frank
Lynn Frank
Colin Jackson
Pam Taylor
Steve Trumper
Justice Michael Emery
Dawn Jetten