David Atherton Awards in Engineering Physics

David Atherton (Emeritus Professor of Physics and Computer Engineering at Queen’s University) passed away on March 18, 2020. Dr. Atherton touched many lives and is fondly remembered by a great number of former colleagues and students.
Many of those who knew Dr. Atherton have expressed an interest in commemorating him in some way and there was a great deal of support for the idea of renaming an existing fund that Dr. Atherton helped to establish as The David Atherton Engineering Physics Awards.
The David Atherton Awards in Engineering Physics commemorates Dr. Atherton while also continuing to support:
• The Engineering Physics Award which supports women students entering third or fourth year in the Department of Engineering Physics
• The Engineering Physics Design Award which supports the graduating student whose thesis is judged to be the best on the basis of design, engineering content, innovation, and presentation
Please be sure to fill out the commemorative portion of the giving form entitled "Dedicate my gift." This will allow Queen's to notify his family of your thoughtful donation.