the Kenneth Russell Endowed Lecture Series
Established in honour of Professor Kenneth Russell to support the costs associated with bringing eminent academics or chemists to Queen's University. Funds will cover expenses related to the lecture/event, honoraria and/or speaking fees. |
the Michele Mainland Memorial Award
Three separate awards established in memory of Michele Mainland, B.Sc. 1997 for undergraduate students in the Department of Chemical Engineering in Smith Engineering. |
the Dr. W.A. Gorman Legacy Teaching Fund
Established to support and enhance the undergraduate student learning experience within the Department of Geological Sciences and Geological Engineering by supporting teaching activities and promoting excellence in teaching. |
the George L. Cooke Admission Award
Established by friends in honour of George L. Cooke, BAHons'75, MBA'77. Awarded to students entering any undergraduate program at Queen's with preference given to students whose parent(s) or grandparent(s) are working in the Canadian Insurance Industry. |
the Michelle McKelvey Award in Family Law
An award to be established in memory of Michelle McKelvey, LLB 2007, to support students studying family law. |
the Adell Carter Fellowship
Established by the Faculty of Law in memory of Bernie Adell and in honour of Don Carter to provide support for the full range of fellowships, including postdoctoral, research, and visiting fellows in the Centre for Law in the Contemporary Workplace. |
the Donald Benedict Lee and Betty Ngan-Woon Lee Memorial Award
Established by the children of Donald Benedict Lee and Betty Ngan-Woon Lee and awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need and academic achievement to students entering first year of any first entry undergraduate degree program. |
the Fred Delaney's Last Pro Bono Award
Established in memory of Fred Delaney, BCom 1972, Law 1975. Awarded to students entering first year of the Bachelor of Commerce program in the Smith School of Business, or the J.D. program or the combined J.D. degree program in the Faculty of Law. |
the Jim Leech MBA Scholarship
Established in honour of Jim Leech, MBA 1973, in celebration of his retirement from the Ontario Teacher's Pension Plan. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to students entering the Full-time MBA program in the Smith School of Business. |
the Department of Philosophy Fund
Gifts to this fund can be used to support initiatives that enhance the life of the Department of Philosophy and the learning experiences of our students. |
the Dr Seitz Special Research Project for Dementia
Special Research Project for Dementia |
the Joanne Page Lecture Fund
The Joanne Page Lecture Fund was established to support the costs associated with bringing distinguished Canadian writers to Queen's University. These funds will be used to cover expenses related to the lecture or event, honoraria and/or speaker fees. |
the Bruce Lounds Memorial Award
The family and friends of Bruce Lounds want to establish a fund in support of in Smith Engineering, in memory of Bruce. |
the Plumley Family Awards
Established by Kent Plumley, B.Sc.(Eng.) 1960, LL.B. 1963, and Sandra Plumley, B.A. 1966, and awarded on the basis of financial need to undergraduate students at Queen's University. |
the Shane Daniel Klein Scholarship in Family Medicine
Established in memory of Shane Klein, MD'15. Awarded to medical students who will be entering a residency program in Family Medicine, with preference to students entering the Family Medicine residency program at Queen's University. |
the Robert Gilbert Post-Doctoral Fellowship in the Department of Geography
Established by Robert Gilbert, Professor in the Department of Geography, to create a post-doctoral fellowship in the Department of Geography at Queen's University. |
the Queen's Law Moot Fund
Established to support training in advocacy, an integral part of the students' legal education in the Faculty of Law. |
the J.A. Corry Memorial Endowment
Established in memory of J. Alex Corry, Principal of Queen's, to support the Institute of Intergovernmental Relations to enhance its program of research, publication and conferences. |
the Dr. Kevin Parker Memorial Fund
Established in memory of Dr. Kevin Parker, BA (Hons) 1974, M.Div. 1977, MA 1978. Funding will be used to enhance clinical training of graduate students at the Queen's University Psychology Clinic, with a specific focus on clinical supervision training. |
the Padre and Frances Laverty Bursary
Established in recognition of the Lavertys' dedication and contributions to Queen's. Awarded on the basis of need to third or fourth year students in any faculty or school. Preference to students involved in campus life or extracurricular activities. |
the Dr. Nathan Kaufman Service-Learning Fund
Established by Dr. Nathan Kaufman to provide resources and support for medical students to participate in service-learning activities. |
the Richardson Stadium Fund
This fund will be used for the construction of the Pavilion at Richardson Memorial Stadium including: state of the art team rooms, premiere seating, hospitality for fans and training and therapy facilities for student-athletes. |
the Douglas Hargreaves Memorial Athletic Award
Established in memory of Doug Hargreaves, B.A. 1960, LLD 2012. Awarded on the basis of academic achievement and athletic excellence to student-athletes in any degree program, who are on the competition roster of a Gaels interuniversity athletic team. |
the Dr. Richard Milner Resident Award
Established in memory of Dr. Richard Milner, M.D. 1981. Awarded to postgraduate residents in the Department of Family Medicine who have shown a passion for teaching, expertise in leadership and practice management. |
the Dr. Michael Baird Lecture Series
Established to support the costs associated with bringing eminent academics or chemists to Queen's University campus. These funds will be used to cover expenses related to the lecture or event, honoraria and/or speaking fees. |
the Mary and Jim Courtright Student Award
Awarded to students in second, third, or fourth year in any Faculty or School on the basis of student activity involvement, with preference to Track and Field or the Queen's Debating Union. Preference also given to students from the Province of Quebec. |
the Stephen Sigurdson Professorship in Corporate Law and Finance
Established in memory of Stephen Sigurdson, LLB'84, to recognize his many contributions to the Faculty of Law over the years. The Professorship will help build on the Faculty's cluster of teaching and research expertise in the area of business law. |
the Judith Brown Bursary
Established by Drs. Alfred and Isabel Bader, in honour of Judith Brown, Artsci'76, MA'79. Awarded to female students who have experienced an interruption in their formal education and who are registered in any Faculty or School. |
the John Meisel Scholar Series in Contemporary Political Controversies
Established to support the costs associated with bringing eminent or emerging academics or public intellectuals to the Queen's University community. |
the Joseph Henry Davis Memorial Bursary in Applied Science
Established by Merritt Davis, BSc(Eng)'45, and Edith Davis, and awarded on the basis of need to undergraduate students in any year or program of study in Smith Engineering. Preference will be given to students from Hastings County, Ontario. |
the David Elder Award in Global Public Policy
Awarded on the basis of academic excellence and demonstrated promise in the field of public service to funding eligible Master-level students enrolled in Master of Public Administration or Professional Master of Public Administration program. |
the T. Kurtis Kyser Memorial Scholarship
Awarded on the basis of academic excellence in geochemistry course(s) to students entering fourth year of a Bachelor of Science (Honours) degree program with an academic plan in Geology. |
the Nathan Roth Memorial Award
Established by friends and family in memory of Nathan Roth, M.D.'15. Awarded to graduating medical students who will be entering a residency program in Emergency Medicine. |
the Cancer Research Institute Fund in support of Dr. Booth's research
Donations to this fund allow the members of the Sinclair Cancer Research Institute to initiate new pilot research projects, to support the institute's trans-disciplinary training programs and to acquire new research infrastructure. |
the Feminist Jurisprudence Award
Established by the family and friends of Sharon Cohen, a graduate of Law '88. Awarded annually for outstanding achievement and participation in feminist jurisprudence. |
the Craig Jury Memorial Summer Studentship in Cancer Research
Established by Erma Jury, Arts 1963, in memory of her son Craig. Awarded to a full-time undergraduate student in the Faculty of Health Sciences or the Faculty of Arts and Science for a summer studentship in the Sinclair Cancer Research Institute. |
the Frank David Lewis Memorial Fund
Established to support research and teaching in economic history at Queen's University, with a focus on facilitating the work of graduate students and other young scholars. Funding will be disbursed at the discretion of the Head of the Department of Econo |
the Marty Memorial Scholarship
Established in memory of Aletta Marty, MA 1894, LLD 1919, and her sister, Sophie Marty. Awarded by the Queen's University Alumnae Association to a woman graduate of Queen's University for one year of study and research. |
the Paithouski Prize Fund
Established in memory of Nicholas J. Paithouski, BSc'40, by his son, N. Joseph Paithouski, BSc'80. Awarded to the graduating engineering student in Smith Engineering who has demonstrated the most consistent improvement in academic performance. |
the Barbara Paul Memorial Award
Established in memory of Effie Barbara Paul (Paithouski), BA'74 (Carleton) by her son, N. Joseph Paithouski, BA'79, BSc(Eng.)'80, and awarded to a student 25 years of age or older striving to complete their degree. Preference to a woman student. |
the Christopher Leuchter Memorial Award
In memory of Christopher Leuchter, a fund is being set up to provide financial support to Commerce students participating in varsity athletics. |
the Clair Bailey Scholarship for Language and Literacy
Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to students in the primary/junior division graduating with a Bachelor of Education degree, who have demonstrated personal insight and a passion for children's literacy and learning. |
the Romans Memorial Fund
Established in memory of a Medicine 1973 graduate, to support the Surgical Skills and Technology Elective Program. Should the program cease to exist, the fund will be used to support a faculty- or student-initiated program that is substantially similar. |
the Thomas J. Harris Admission Bursary
Established to honour Thomas J. Harris. Awarded on the basis of financial need to students entering the first year program in Smith Engineering. |
the Science 1957 Key Bursary
Established by members of the Class of Science 1957 and awarded on the basis of financial need to students in any year or program of studies in Smith Engineering. |
the Canadian Cancer Trials Group Research Fund
Established to support clinical trials research related to improving the treatment and prevention of cancer in the Canadian Cancer Trials Group at Queen's University. |
the Football Booster Club
Funds raised by this club directly supports athletes, coaches, program development and equipment. Funds will be used at the discretion of the Executive Director of A&R in consultation with the Head Coach and Booster Club President. |
the Colin Ross Blyth Fund for Mental Health and Addictions Research
Established by the Blyth family to enhance scholarly activities in mental health and addictions research; funding innovative research in relevant areas to ensure that evidence-based research can be translated into practice, policies and programs. |
the Jeff McGill Graduate Fellowship
Established by Kamyar Moud, MSc'04, in honor of Professor Jeff McGill. Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to students enrolled in the MSc or PhD program in Management in the Smith School of Business. |
the Queen's University Biological Station Land Trust
Gifts to this fund are used for land acquisition and stewardship for the Queen's University Biological Station |
the Peter and Doreen Howe Memorial Award
Established in memory of Peter Howe, BA'60 and Doreen Howe, BA'61. Awarded on the basis of financial need and academic achievement to students in a Bachelor of Science (Honours) or Bachelor of Applied Science degree program in Smith Engineering. |
the Peter R. Galbraith MD Award for Palliative Care Education
This award is being established at Queen's University to support and promote advanced training in palliative care medicine within Hematology and Oncology. |
the A.Z. Arthur Book Prize
Established by family, colleagues, students, and friends in memory of Arthur Z. Arthur, Professor of Psychology at Queen's. Awarded to the top two students who have the highest standing in the M.A. Clinical Program in the Department of Psychology. |
the School of Nursing 75th Anniversary Bursary
Established in recognition of the 75th anniversary of the School of Nursing and awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to students in any year of a Bachelor of Nursing Science degree program in the Faculty of Health Sciences. |
the Chaplain's Trust Fund
The Chaplain's Trust Fund was established by Padre Laverty to assist students experiencing financial difficulty. It helps students dealing with a sudden or serious shortfall of funds needed for items such as: groceries, rent or medical/dental expenses. |
the Genna McLinden Memorial Award
Established in memory of Genna McLinden, B.N.Sc. '96, R.N. Awarded on the basis of financial need and academic standing to a graduating student in the School of Nursing who has shown a dedication to the nursing discipline. |
the Robert Sutherland Memorial Admission Award
Established by the Afro-Caribe Community Foundation of Kingston. Awarded to students entering first year of any undergraduate degree program on the basis of need, academic achievement and contribution to the African or Caribbean communities in Canada. |
the Meds 1963 Bursary Fund
Established by the Class of Medicine 1963 in celebration of their 15th reunion in 1978. Awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to undergraduate students in any year of the School of Medicine in the Faculty of Health Sciences. |
the W. K. Rowe Memorial Revved Up Fund
Donations will support the Revved Up program in the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies, whose mission is to offer high-quality community exercise programming for people with a disability and to train upcoming generations of healthcare professionals. |
the Rory MacDonald Memorial Bursary
Awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to students in any year of any undergraduate degree program. Preference will be given to students who have completed or are enrolled in one or more Creative Writing courses. |
the Bethany Qun Yi Yan Memorial Athletic Award
Established in memory of Bethany Qun Yi Yan. Awarded on the basis of academic achievement and athletic excellence to student-athletes in any degree program who are on the competition roster of the Gaels interuniversity cheerleading team. |
the Neil Yorke-Slader and Nepean All City Jazz Bursary
Awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to undergraduate students in any year of study in a Bachelor of Education degree program. Preference will be given to students pursuing instrumental or vocal music as a teaching subject. |
the Kevin Gordon Rankin Memorial Graduate Award
Established in memory of Kevin Rankin by Gord and Marie Rankin. Awarded to a graduate student in the Faculty of Health Sciences or the Faculty of Arts and Science, with a demonstrated research interest in depression and psychosis in young adults. |
the Amir Moradi Memorial Bursary
Established in memory of Amir Moradi, killed in the crash of Ukraine Int. Airlines flight PS 752 in Tehran, Iran. Awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to Iranian students in any year of any degree program in the Faculty of Arts and Science. |
the Carlos Valente Memorial Fund
Funds will be used at the discretion of the Head, Department of Language, Literatures and Culture to promote and celebrate Portuguese language courses and cultural programming for students at Queen's University and in the Kingston community. |
the Mark Pettit Memorial Prize
Established in memory of Mark Pettit, BSc'00. Awarded to a third year Mechanical Engineering student in Smith Engineering in the Undergrad Internship Program, and who possess an enthusiasm for engineering, helping classmates and a good academic record. |
the Mike List Ultimate Fund
Established in honour of Mike List, BA (Hons) 1994, LLB 1998, to support the operations and promotional activities of the Queen's Men and Women's Ultimate Frisbee teams. |
the Elspeth Baugh Memorial Bursary
Established in memory of Elspeth Baugh, former Dean of Women, and awarded to a woman who is a single parent and pursuing a university education at either the undergraduate or graduate level on a part-time or full-time basis. |
the Isabelle Brisson Memorial Award
Awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to students entering second, third or fourth year of a Bachelor of Applied Science degree program in Smith Engineering with an academic plan in Civil Engineering. |
the George and Maureen Ewan Lecture Series
Established by George and Maureen Ewan to support seminar and lecture programs designed to increase scientific discourse and culture within the Particle Astrophysics community at Queen's University. |
the Harold Jarrell Memorial Award
Established in memory of Dr. Harold Jarrell, PhD 1978. Awarded on the basis of financial need and academic achievement to students entering first year of a Bachelor of Science (Honours) or Bachelor of Science in Life Sciences degree program. |
the Stephen Damp Memorial Award
Awarded on the basis of need, academic achievement and demonstrated leadership in extra-curricular activities or community service to students in a Bachelor of Applied Science program in Smith Engineering with an academic plan in Civil Engineering. |
the Dr. Wycliffe Lofters Memorial Award
Established in memory of Dr. Wycliffe Lofters. Awarded on the basis of need, academic achievement and involvement in and/or contribution to the African or Caribbean communities in Canada to students entering 1st year of any undergraduate program. |
the Indigenous Futures in Engineering
This fund will support outreach programming to inspire young Indigenous people to develop an interest in math and science, promote engineering as a post-secondary field of study and help Indigenous students' success in Smith Engineering programs. |
the Wasmund Family Indigenous Engineering Scholars
Awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need and academic achievement to Indigenous students entering first year of a Bachelor of Applied Science degree program in Smith Engineering. The award is renewable for three subsequent years. |
the Bronwyn Keatley Scholarship
Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to Masters or PhD students enrolled in the School of Environmental Studies or Department of Biology pursuing coursework, research, or knowledge translation work in science policy or science communication. |
the Chris Fillmore Davis Admission Award
Established by Ralph Davis and Cara Fraser in memory of Chris Fillmore Davis. Awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need, academic achievement, and participation in extracurricular activities to students entering first year. |
the Department of Medicine Trust Fund in support of Queen's CardioPulmonary Unit (QCPU)
Established to enhance teaching and scholarly activity, purchase equipment, and support research, including but not limited to resident research, in the Queen's CardioPulmonary Unit (QCPU) at Queen's University. |
the Margaret A. Light Fellowship in Art Conservation
Established to support teaching and research activities in the Art Conservation Program, including teaching fellows, visiting scholars, guest lecturers, workshops, equipment for teaching and research, faculty research, and sabbatical replacements. |
the Campbell Memorial Bursaries
Established by the children of Milton Neil Campbell and Hazel May Campbell (Dixon). Awarded on the basis of financial need to students who have completed at least one year of studies at Queen's University. |
the Beryl S. Garrett Award in Mathematics
Awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need and academic achievement to students in any year of a Bachelor of Science degree program in the Faculty of Arts and Science. Preference to students with an academic plan in Mathematics and Statistics. |
the R.E. Olley Graduate Award
Awarded on the basis of academic excellence to funding eligible PhD level students enrolled in the Department of Economics. The award will be renewable for three additional years provided good academic standing and full-time status is maintained. |
the Guelph Alumni Entrance Award
Established by the Guelph Ontario Branch. Awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need and academic achievement to a student from Wellington County entering the first year of any undergraduate degree program. |
the Valerie Feltham & Tammy Bekkers Memorial Bursary
Awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to students in any year of a Bachelor of Arts (Honours) degree in the Faculty of Arts and Science. Preference will be given to students with an academic plan in Political Studies or French Studies. |
the Rani Sivanathan Graduate Scholarship
Niro Sivanathan, MSc'02, established a graduate award in memory of his mother to be awarded on the basis of academic excellence to Masters level students in Smith School of Business, with preference given to students in Organizational Behaviour. |
the AMS Food Bank Fund
Established to provide the Queen's community with food service in the most comfortable environment possible. |
the Pamela McDonald Memorial Award
Established by Bruce McDonald in memory of Pamela McDonald, BSc'03. Awarded on the basis of need and athletic excellence to 3rd or 4th year students enrolled in the B.Sc.(Honours) program who are members of a Gaels interuniversity athletic team. |
the Dr. Henry B. Dinsdale Visiting Lectureship
Established in honour of Dr. Henry B. Dinsdale, MD'55, to support the costs associated with bringing prominent speakers on topics related to neurological diseases or medical leadership to the Department of Medicine. |
the George M. Hood (Sci'43) Athletic Financial Award
Awarded on the basis of need to upper-year students enrolled in any program of studies, with preference to students enrolled in Smith Engineering. Candidates will be participating male and/or female members of the inter-collegiate ice-hockey program. |
the Stephanie Lane "Pink Shoes" Memorial Award
Established in memory of Stephanie Elizabeth Lane, BA(Hons)'94. Awarded to undergraduate students in the second year in the Faculty of Arts and Science on the basis of demonstrated financial need, academic achievement, and volunteer work with children. |
the Golf Booster Club
Funds raised by this club directly supports athletes, coaches, program development and equipment. Funds will be used at the discretion of the Executive Director of A&R in consultation with the Head Coach and Booster Club President. |
the Molly Higginson Memorial Award
An award in honour of Molly (Innes) Higginson based on financial need to female students who have experienced an interruption in their formal education and who are enrolled in a degree program in Science, Technology, Engineering or Math. |
the Janet Sorbie Award in Family Medicine
Established by Dr. Janet Sorbie, M.Sc. 1969. Awarded to a resident in Family Medicine who has undertaken original research, preferably in the field of women's health, care of the elderly or palliative care. |
the Political Studies Trust Fund
This expendable fund is used at the discretion of the Department Head to support students and enhance academic programs and/or research infrastructure in the Department of Political Studies. |
the Department of Surgery Trust in support of the Division of Neurosurgery
Established to enhance teaching and scholarly activity, purchase equipment, and clinical and pedagogical research, in the Division of Neurosurgery, in the Department of Surgery at Queen's University. |
the Helen Garrett and Wendy Hotson Fund
Established in memory of Helen Garrett and Wendy Hoston to provide the Department of English Literature and Creative Writing with discretionary funds. |
the Adam Wallgren Memorial Award
Established by the Class of Science '90 and awarded to a first year engineering student in Smith Engineering who through his/her kind actions and friendly disposition eased the rigors of day-to-day life in first year. |
the Centre for Neuroscience Studies Fund
The Centre for Neuroscience Studies Fund was established to enhance teaching and scholarly activity, purchase equipment, and support clinical pedagogical research in the Centre for Neuroscience Studies |
the Fred Euringer Award in Drama
Established in honour of J.A. (Fred) Euringer. Awarded to a student enrolled in the Queen's University Drama program and is intended to facilitate the recipient's ability to create theatre within the Kingston community. |
the Brooks Family Bursary
Established by the Estate of Robert Royde Brooks and Karyn Brooks, B.Com. 1976, and awarded on the basis of demonstrated financial need to students entering first year of the Bachelor of Commerce program. |
the Pancreatic Cancer Research Trust Fund
Established to support research and/or projects focused on pancreatic cancer in the Department of Oncology. Work carried out with these funds will be focused on, but not limited to, ultimately improving patient care and patient quality of life. |
the Dr. Ray DeVere Peters Award
Established in honour of Dr. Ray DeVere Peters for graduate students in the Department of Psychology. |
the Ban Righ Foundation Fund
Your donations will be used to help sustain the daily operations and programming of the Ban Righ Centre. Funds will be disbursed at the discretion of the Director in consultation with the Board of Directors of the Ban Righ Foundation. |
the Gordon Edward Kaiser Award in Law
In memory of Gordon Edward Kaiser, funds are being raised to create a student award for Faculty of Law students. If funding minimums are not met, gifts will be redirected to an existing fund with criteria closely aligned to the original intent. |
the Tom Williams Award in Policy Studies
Established by Dr. Thomas Williams, Principal Emeritus. Awarded to one or more students in the Master of Public Administration program, on the basis of academic excellence and financial need. |