The Arts and Science 1972 Bursary

To celebrate our 50th Reunion, our class launched a "50 for 50" Appeal to grow our Arts '72 Bursary to $50,000 in investment capital by the time we returned for Homecoming in October 2022. Well, we did it! In 2007, our class evolved our original graduation gift into a class bursary that is awarded annually on the basis of financial need to upper year students in the Faculty of Arts and Science. With each Reunion, we have encouraged members to donate to help build the capital in this fund. We began our "50 for 50" Appeal in October 2021 and over the subsequent 12-month period, class members responded generously with over $30,000 in new donations. By the end of the Saturday October 29 Homecoming Tricolour Guard Dinner, we knew that the Arts '72 Bursary was "over the 50"! The generosity shown by class members celebrates the success afforded us by our years as students at Queen's. Our enlarged bursary now provides even more financial help to current students at Queen's to help them achieve their dreams. Perhaps you missed our 2022 Reunion. Well the celebration of our 50th continues. We invite you to be part of our class celebration by adding your donation now.
For Arts'72 Reunion 2022 Highlights, click here.