Mike List's 50th Birthday Celebration

Mike List is turning 50 on October 30, and to honour his milestone birthday his family will be supporting Queen's Ultimate with the intention of establishing a fund in his name. This will provide a way for everyone to still come together to wish Mikey well.
His time at Queen's for undergrad and law school he remembers in a hazy, 1980's movie montage worthy way. It was there that he made so many lifelong friends (and found a heck of a wife, if I do say so myself). A simpler time. It was also there that Mike first started playing Ultimate. He'd meet a rag tag group (sorry boys) in the park off campus, and they'd play for hours - no matter the weather. He was hooked.
To make a long story a bit shorter, he was instrumental in getting the Queen's Ultimate team official status, and he helped start the infamous (and always freezing) Goosebowl tournament in Kingston over Halloween weekend (which always nicely coincided with his birthday...win, win for MTRL).
Your donations will support the creation of a named fund to the Queen's Ultimate teams in honour of Michael List, BA (Hons) 1994, LLB 1998. A small way for his Ultimate legacy to carry on for future Queen's generations.
If the funding minimum is not reached, gifts will be directed to the Men’s and Women’s Ultimate Booster Funds.
Thank you very much for your generosity.
Hip Hip Mothership
Please be sure to fill out the commemorative portion of the giving form entitled "Dedicate my gift." This will allow Queen's to notify Wendy of your thoughtful donation.