In Memory of J.R.M. (John) Gordon

In Memory of J.R.M. (John) Gordon, MBA'63, Dean, School of Business 1978-1988
John Gordon earned a BSc from UBC, an MBA from Queen’s in 1963, and a PhD from MIT in 1966. He joined the School of Business at Queen’s in 1975, serving as dean from 1978 to 1988. Early in his deanship, Gordon led the creation of a strategy for the School that emphasized innovation and excellence in both teaching and research. He encouraged entrepreneurial faculty to establish the Executive Education programs and take the first steps towards launching the Executive MBA programs. John connected the School with the broader business community, and encouraged students to take on leadership roles. As a member of the faculty, he was one of the great case-method teachers of his generation – a leader in establishing the standard for great teaching in the School. In this regard, he was a mentor and inspiration to many other faculty members. Throughout his career, Gordon exemplified a model for academic achievement – an outstanding teacher, an inquiring researcher and a visionary leader.
In memory of John, we invite you to support the Dean's Innovation Fund at the Smith School of Business. This fund provides flexible funding to support many programs and extra-cirriculars offered at the school, at the discretion of the Dean. During the COVID crisis this fund is being utilized to provide direct and immediate financial resources as financial relief for students, health and wellness support for students, and investments in teaching and learning technologies for faculty to support innovative online instruction.
Thank you for your support.
Please be sure to fill out the commemorative portion of the giving form entitled "Dedicate my gift." This will allow Queen's to notify his family of your thoughtful donation.