The Dean of Arts and Science Bursary Fund

Your gift to the Dean of Arts and Science Bursary Fund is a pledge that the Faculty of Arts & Science will always welcome exceptional students regardless of financial circumstance.
Raechel Huizinga grew up in poverty. Food was scarce and the future was uncertain. Her exceptional grades caught the eye of a guidance counselor in high school and Raechel was encouraged to apply to university.
She still can’t quite believe that she made it to Queen’s. She applied for financial aid and has depended on bursaries from Queen’s to help her with the significant cost of living expenses and tuition so she can focus on her studies and developing her creative talent.
The support of financial aid means Raechel has been more involved in campus life. She completed an internship at the Whig Standard and went on to win the McIlquham Foundation Prize in English and the Helen Richards Campbell Memorial Scholarship for the top grade in creative writing. This year Raechel is the Journal’s editor and aspires to become Editor in Chief.
Raechel has her eye on marrying her talent for writing with her passion for social justice and giving a voice to the impoverished who grew up in situations like hers. Today, she’s more excited than ever for the future that awaits – a future made possible thanks to Queen’s financial aid and the generosity of alumni like you.
“I started off as this heartbroken little kid in a rundown house and ten years later I’m at Queen’s discovering my passion.”
– Raechel Huizinga, Faculty of Arts and Science student