Dr Robert Crandall Prize

Created by Jeffrey Mitz, Comm'74, in honour of his favourite professor Dr. Robert Crandall, The Crandall Prize is given to a Commerce student—nominated by his or her peers—who is entering third year and has improved the life experience of those in the University and/or the greater Kingston community through committed leadership, and who has supported others through teamwork, motivation and example.
"I found myself in second year Queen's accounting class with Professor Bob Crandall. I knew immediately that this was a man who loved his work, had a passion for his subject matter and a genuine interest in his students. It was and probably still is unusual for a Commerce graduate to head off to Teacher's College and spend the next 30 years teaching high school students, but that's exactly what I did. I have had a most wonderful and rich life striving to be for them what Bob was for me; a great listener.
My goal in establishing the Dr. Robert Crandall Prize was not just to honour Bob for the incredible contribution that he has made to my life but, more importantly perhaps, to remind Commerce students that as they go forward in the advancement of their own careers to never underestimate the power of giving to others." - Jeff Mitz, Comm'74