Executive MBA Americas 2019

The Executive MBA Americas 2019 Graduation Gift: Supporting the Executive MBA Americas Fund
Established by the Executive MBA Americas (EMBAA) Class of 2007 in celebration of their graduation, the Executive MBA Americas Fund was created to provide direct support to projects and/or initiatives in the EMBAA Program at Smith School of Business. With contributions from the Class of 2007 forming the initial endowment, this fund has been supported on an annual basis by graduating EMBAA classes since 2010.
Support from alumni has allowed Cornell & Queen’s to continue a tradition of excellence that makes us proud to be a part of both families.
As per tradition, the EMBA Americas graduating class collectively raises funds for Johnson and Smith and is able to celebrate with Dean Saunders at Queen’s and Dean Nelson at Cornell at both Graduation Ceremonies. We ask you to join us today in making your gift where every contribution creates opportunity.
Our goal is 100% participation! Every gift, small or large, will help make a difference to accomplish our goal of raising $31,000 for the programs.
How Do I Give?
Donations to Queen's and/or Cornell will count towards the class goal. Recurring gifts (pledges up to five years) are also an option.
Make a Gift to Queen's University (Give Now button above), or
Make a gift to Johnson at Cornell University
Matching Gifts Some of you may work for companies that are willing to match your donation.
Check out the Canadian database
For US companies, email CUmatchinggifts@cornell.edu
Tax Receipts are automatically sent. If you prefer, donations can be anonymous.
We thank you in advance for your support!
Julie Labonte & Mustafa Fatakdawala, Class Agents EMBAA 2019
#cornellmba #SmithBusiness