Nursing Class of 1980

The Class of Nursing Science 1980 celebrated their 35th reunion at Queen's in October, 2015.
On December 20, 2015, Nursing '80 lost one of their classmates, Patricia "Patty" (Sedgewick) Henderson. An excerpt of her obituary read as follows:
"Patty graduated from Queen's University, BScN 1980 and had an outstanding career working at Toronto General, SickKids and Markham Stouffville Hospitals. Her special gift and passion was caring for newborns in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU), as well as supporting the needs of their parents. She also made many dear friends with colleagues with whom she worked, especially over the several years she spent at Markham Stouffville Hospital."
In memory of their classmate, members of the Nursing Class of 1980 have decided to raise funds in support of The School of Nursing Undergraduate Bursary at Queen's University. This Fund is awarded annually on the basis of demonstrated financial need to undergraduate students in any year of the School of Nursing in the Faculty of Health Sciences.
Members of Nursing Science 1980, family and friends are invited to make memorial donations by clicking on the "Give Now" button and selecting the "Dedicate my gift" and "In memory of" option. Donations can also be made phone or mail with cheques made out to Queen's University.