
Law Class of 1976 Class Giving Campaign
Despite not being on campus or holding a separate reunion, we would still like to encourage you to give to our Class Campaign. The unprecedented events of the past two years have produced untold challenges for our alma mater and the students who aspire to join us as Queen's Law Alumni. With the depletion of government funding and the rising cost of tuition and living expenses, ensuring that a quality legal education remains within reach of promising scholars, regardless of their financial background, is increasingly important.
We recognize that law school education costs are considerably greater than when we were students (now exceeding $18,000.00 per year). While some of us are regular and others are intermittent supporters, we ask each class member to consider contributing to either the Douglas Traill Memorial Bursary or the Law '76 Bursary this year to mark our graduation from Queen's Law School 45 years ago.
The Douglas Traill Memorial Bursary: The Douglas Traill Memorial Bursary was established by the class of Law '76 in memory of the late Douglas Melvin Traill, LLB '76, awarded primarily on the basis of financial need.
The Law '76 Bursary: Established by the class of Law '76 and awarded on the basis of financial need to a student in any year of the Faculty of Law who is a resident of Ontario.
Thank you for supporting our alma mater and considering a gift in celebration of our 45th anniversary!
We look forward to seeing you at our 50th reunion.
Best wishes,
Don Kramer
James Munsie
Gerald Sadvari
Rob Stoddart
Anne Trousdale
Peter Wells