Research Centre: CLCW

Understanding, interpreting and implementing labour and employment law is a complex but critical component of the business community’s needs. The first of its kind in Canada, the Centre for Law in the Contemporary Workplace (CLCW) opened in November 2010. The Centre is already becoming the intellectual home for the Canadian labour- and employment-law community. Focusing on research, curriculum development, teaching, and outreach, the CLCW is training the next generation of leading labour and employment law practitioners, researchers, teachers and scholars. It is also identifying emerging trends and acting as a conduit for knowledge exchange among business, law practitioners, researchers, students and faculty.
Funds will be used to support the priorities of the Centre such as, but not limited to Chairs, Professorships, operating budget, distinguished lecture series and symposium, graduate and post-graduate student fellowships, scholarships, awards and bursaries.