In Memory of Carole Carruthers

Carole Jean Carruthers was born December 4, 1930 in North Bay, Ontario to Mildred Juanita Thompson and Rudolph William Carl Gomoll. She grew up in Northern Ontario and attended Sudbury High School. She attended Queen’s University and Toronto Western Hospital for nursing. She graduated from The Atkinson School of Nursing of Toronto Western Hospital in 1953 ( Winner of the Beatrice L. Ellis Scholarship for post-graduate study in Nursing Education) and from Queen’s University (RN, BNSc.) in 1954 and won the gold medal for highest standing in the nursing science graduating class. She was also awarded the Jenny Wier prize for outstanding marks and proficiency for public health nursing form Queen’s University She worked for the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO) and Victorian Order of Nurses (VON) until her retirement. Carole volunteered her time for the Canadian Cancer Society, Heart & Stroke Foundation, as a nurse at Ryde Lake CGIT camp and teaching Sunday school .Carole enjoyed her friendships and the fellowship of Couples Club at Willowdale United Church. Music was a large part of her life. This included signing with her sister Terrie in church Sudbury while growing up, and then later with Harry in her adult life. She shared this love with her family by attending the Messiah at Christmastime, and many concerts and recitals at Willowdale United Church and Thornhill United Church . She took tremendous joy in her seven grandchildren and three great grandchildren and Carole will be greatly missed.