Viewing Law Firm

As leaders in Canadian law, Faculty of Law graduates have become keystones in the Canadian legal system as proud members of great firms across the nation. Some of Canada’s most notable law firms have chosen to honour their connection to Queen’s Law by committing to help their Queen’s colleagues through specific giving opportunities.

Featured Giving Opportunities

McMillan LLP has launched a campaign to refurbish the McMillan LLP classroom at Queen's Law, providing state-of-the ... (Learn More) McMillan LLP has launched a campaign to refurbish the McMillan LLP classroom at Queen's Law, providi ... (Learn More)
Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP's campaign supports the first Chair in Business Law, which will provide key leadership ... (Learn More) Osler, Hoskin & Harcourt LLP's campaign supports the first Chair in Business Law, which will provide ... (Learn More)
Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP's campaign will refurbish its named Moot Court Room, where students practice for comp ... (Learn More) Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP's campaign will refurbish its named Moot Court Room, where students pr ... (Learn More)
The D. John Naccarato Memorial Award in Law (Learn More) The D. John Naccarato Memorial Award in Law (Learn More)