Civil Engineering

The Civil Department has a number of different initiatives that rely on the support of our loyal alumni. These initiatives strive to improve undergraduate education, by supporting the improvement of equipment, teaching facilities, and field education.
The department encourages donors to give to the general Trust Fund, which allows the department maximum flexibility. Donations to this fund can be used at the department's discretion based on its greatest priorities. Some examples of causes supported by the Trust Fund include the purchase of new lab equipment, updating computing facilities, upgrading teaching laboratories, student awards, student conference sponsorships, team sponsorships and more.
The department also has funds set up to support specific causes, such as the Kennedy Field Station, Named Teaching Assistantships, David J. Turcke Building Partnerships Fund in Civil Engineering, and the Robert and Joyce Jones Speaker Series.
Department of Civil Engineering Giving Opportunities
- The Civil Independent Trust Fund
- Named Teaching Assistantships
- The Robert K. Jones and A. Joyce Jones Endowment in Civil Engineering
- The Russell and Marjorie Kennedy Fund in Civil Engineering
- The David J. Turcke Building Partnerships Fund in Civil Engineering