Dean of Arts and Science Trust Fund

Donations to the Dean of Arts and Science Trust Fund are especially crucial this year – gifts to this discretionary fund will provide Dean Crow with the financial flexibility needed to ensure that students in the Faculty of Arts and Science continue to receive the best possible learning experience through these unusual times.
Your gift, right now, to the Dean of Arts and Science Trust will give students:
- Increased access to mental health care, support, and services for Arts and Science students
- The opportunity to participate in experiential learning opportunities outside of the classroom such as industry-specific internships
- Access to innovative and hands-on courses which gives students the opportunity to formulate an innovative venture and implement it with access to financial seed funding
- Increased funding for undergraduate student research opportunities through the Arts and Science Undergraduate Society
- New courses that are focused on Indigenous teachings, traditions and ways of knowing
These initiatives and other areas of student assistance are vital to the exceptional Queen’s student experience. But our current reality brings with it much uncertainty and significant budgetary restraints, and we do not want our students to lose out on these types of opportunities. Thank you for your support!