The Department of Chemistry at Queen’s offers high quality research programs, excellent facilities and a first class educational experience. The faculty boasts five Canadian Research Chairs, three Queen’s National Scholars, and multiple recipients of the Premier’s Research Excellence award and Fellows of the Chemical Institute of Canada.

Giving Opportunities
Giving Opportunities
Featured Giving Opportunities
In remembering Suning Wang, the Department of Chemistry is looking for our friends and supporters to help establish ... (Learn More)
In remembering Suning Wang, the Department of Chemistry is looking for our friends and supporters to ... (Learn More)
Established to support the costs associated with bringing eminent academics or chemists to Queen's University campu ... (Learn More)
Established to support the costs associated with bringing eminent academics or chemists to Queen's U ... (Learn More)
In Honour of Dr. Walter A. Szarek a Lecture Series is being established. (Learn More)
In Honour of Dr. Walter A. Szarek a Lecture Series is being established. (Learn More)
Access to specialized equipment is indispensable for modern chemical teaching and research. Each year, our departme ... (Learn More)
Access to specialized equipment is indispensable for modern chemical teaching and research. Each yea ... (Learn More)