Give to Queen's
2024 Giving Day - Men's Basketball
Supporting travel, team development and Athletic Financial Awards
Funds raised by this club directly supports athletes, coaches, program development and equipment. Funds will be used at the discretion of the Executive Director of A&R in consultation with the Head Coach and Booster Club President.
Medicine Class of 1974
the Queen's Medical Student Bursary
Established in October 2002 by the School of Medicine and awarded on the basis of financial need to students in any medical year in the School of Medicine in the Faculty of Health Sciences.
the Medical School Excellence Fund
Established to help maintain the excellence and intimacy of the learning environment in the School of Medicine, attract the best students and faculty, and build on current educational programs. It will provide annual discretionary funding for the Dean.
In memory of Ray Calver
the Department of Surgery Trust in support of the Division of Neurosurgery
Established to enhance teaching and scholarly activity, purchase equipment, and clinical and pedagogical research, in the Division of Neurosurgery, in the Department of Surgery at Queen's University.
The Celebrating Agnes Fund
the Celebrating Agnes Fund
Established to support programming at the Art Centre, at the discretion of the Director, Agnes Etherington Art Centre.
the Don Krestel Memorial Award
Established in memory of Donald Andrew Krestel, BA/BPHE'74. Awarded to a student in the School of Kinesiology and Health Studies, who is best able to promote among his or her classmates an appreciation of the needs of the individual and of the community
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